For the past 7 or so years, we have listened to the complaints and whining of the left on just about everything. Week after week, it's another round of articles that mirror DNC talking points, always trying to blame Bush for something.
For just a moment, I would like to see a democrat in the White House. I'd like to take that opportunity to watch democrats try to defend "their" President while bringing up quotes from the past years which shows their total hypocrisy.
Just imagine.....
- If there is another terrorist attack, we can (without any proof at all) accuse the President (D) of knowing about it and what the heck...even help planning it.
- If the President ever has to use the military, we can run out and say it's about the oil!
- When the President raises taxes on business owners and producers, and the economy really goes into a recession, we can blame it on them!
- We can also accuse the President of "shredding" the Constitution, taking away our civil rights, and taking us into a police state. How fun will that be?
That really would be a blast, but then I think about all the socialist policies, and pandering to anyone for a vote (including illegals), that I would rather not have those laughs. But won't it be interesting to see the democrats in a defensive stance?