I get really tired of people who go around claiming "it's what the majority" wants.  First of all, most people who claim this have no idea what the majority wants, and obviously cannot backup any of their statement except with the occasional media based poll.  Even if a  majority "wants" something there is no guarantee that is the way it should be, that is not how reality works here.

Would these same people be so enthusiastic if polls showed we should rule by islamic law, or maybe have a king and queen? 

on Dec 20, 2007
I have to believe that the majority of JoeUser patrons wouldn't want to ever see another article from the clueless one.  Would it be ok if we let the majority rule there?
on Dec 20, 2007
What the majority vote for is what we should have in our republic! That is NOT the case today!
on Dec 20, 2007
Would these same people be so enthusiastic if polls showed we should rule by islamic law, or maybe have a king and queen?

Or Spanish as the official language of south Florida

This is why I’m of the opinion you can’t leave major issues that affect everyone up to the individual states.
on Dec 20, 2007

What the one who uses it is actually saying is what the Majority DOES NOT like.  Because that is the way the media is reporting it.  Those numbers are always bigger than the other way around, as it is easy to say "fix this" and have a majority say yes, than to say HOW to fix it.

Of course the clueless ones just see it as black and white.  If a majority is against it, then a majority must be for them.

on Dec 20, 2007

What the majority vote for is what we should have in our republic! That is NOT the case today!

The majority of people don't want you trolling here.  Therefore you must immediately leave.  Goodbye.  Hope you enjoy the rules you seem to be demanding.

on Dec 20, 2007

What the majority vote for is what we should have in our republic! That is NOT the case today!

So mob rules? You think the founding fathers wanted that?

on Dec 20, 2007

So mob rules? You think the founding fathers wanted that?

He only wants what the majority wants for as long as they want what he wants.  After that, he'll be screaming about how the rights of the minority are being trampled upon and how the majority ruler is out of touch with reality and has been screwing up the country.


By the way though... this thought (from the original article):

Would these same people be so enthusiastic if polls showed we should rule by islamic law, or maybe have a king and queen?

Certainly seems to be in line with what fans of Hillary might want.  Aren't most of them looking for her coronation?

on Dec 20, 2007

The problem with pure majority rules is that you ultimately fall into the tragedy of the commons -- if the majority can simply vote themselves the largess of the minority of the population that produce, you end up with universal misery.

If you want to see what happens to a society when it's just majority rules, look at how union shops are run where everthing is catered to the lowest common denominator.


on Dec 20, 2007
our government was set up for majority rule.

our constitution was set up to protect the minority from the majority.

but the good old troll can't under stand that
on Dec 20, 2007
Let me see....

Bush was elected with a majority, but we constantly hear complaints about it.

Now the same person doing the complaining is saying that majority rule is what is right.


on Dec 20, 2007
You know Gene will say Bush didn't get a "majority" (at least not the first time, thereby delegitimizing the second time), never mind that he got the required number of Electoral College votes the Constitution requires.