I would like to setup an interview with one of the Presidential candidates in the near future.  My goal is to make this interview community based where our users will be able to ask the questions to the candidates.  However, the race for the Presidency has a wide field of candidates and I would like everyones input on to which candidates they would like to see interviewed first.

Obviously as the race goes on the list of candidates will grow shorter, but I would like to take this opportunity to maybe speak to a candidate that is maybe "under the radar".  Please give me your suggestions on who you would like to ask a question to.  It doesn't have to be a candidate you support, but one you would like to hear from on the issues you care about.

on Dec 06, 2007
Obama would be a good one!
on Dec 06, 2007
Hillary - I would like to see her answer some tough questions just once in this campaign.
on Dec 06, 2007
Huckabee, I would like him to give me a clear answer about his policy and view regarding immigration.
on Dec 06, 2007

Tough call.  Based on what I know of the so-called lesser known candidates, I'm not so much interested in any of those candidates and outside of the idea of tossing tough questions at Ms. I won't be pinned down and want to take the middle road on every issue, just can't think of who I'd want to ask what of.

I will be curious, though, to see who takes up the opportunity here and cooperates with this plan rather than just dismissing the offer out of hand.

on Dec 07, 2007
Hillary - I would like to see her answer some tough questions just once in this campaign.

Hillary has never answered a tough question, and I doubt she's going to start anytime soon.  Personally, I would like to hear from Huckabee.

on Dec 07, 2007
Hillary - I would like to see her answer some tough questions just once in this campaign.

Hillary has never answered a tough question, and I doubt she's going to start anytime soon.  Personally, I would like to hear from Huckabee.

I dont disagree with her not answering, but her non-answers would be enough to show she cant stand the pressure of the office.
on Dec 07, 2007
I dont disagree with her not answering, but her non-answers would be enough to show she cant stand the pressure of the office.

Not to mention her lack of self-accountability. She voted for the war. Instead of holding herself accountable she blamed Bush.