Skin Roundup for 11-2-07
Published on November 2, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I can't believe it's November already, and the holiday season is rapidly approaching.  I have to say I was very impressed at the amount of submissions we received for Halloween.  This years Halloween Skin Guide was huge, and thanks to everyone who took the time to create a Halloween inspired skin.  Now enough of Halloween, because we have some bigger holidays coming up.

The Christmas and Winter seasons have always been big here at WinCustomize.  We already have a real nice selection of skins, but I want to make this year the best so far.  I'd especially like to see some holiday themed .dreams, sidebar gadgets, widgets, and wallpapers.  What type of holiday skins would you like to see?

Now for this weeks picks!

Next of Skin for CursorXP
J. Aroche

This cursor is part of the "Next of Skin" community project.  This is just a phenomenal cursor, so take my word for it and download it.


Comet II Deep Impact in Dreams

This .dream has a slowly moving comet moving through the sky with a beautiful lake background.  Very nice.


Carbon-ite for IconPackager

This icon pack features over 60 icons, made for both Windows XP and Vista.  There is also a matching WindowBlinds skin, so be sure to check Z71's personal page for more. 


  Liffy Falls for LogonStudio Vista
mrs starkers

Mrs starkers once again brings us a beautiful image for us to see when we logon into Vista.  Great work. 


  Sea wonderland in Wallpapers

Simply beautiful wallpaper from webby85, but I would like to see some more resolutions with these.   


  Brio XP for WindowBlinds
Night Train

Night Train is back again to share another great WindowBlinds skin.  It contains 4 styles and works great with recoloring.


  Harmony for XP and Vista for WindowBlinds

This new Master Skin from vStyler has both Windows XP and Vista versions.  The XP version contains 4 color presets, and there are several matching skins available as well.

Harmony is also one of the Master Skins participating in this years WinCustomize Charity Drive.  You can find more information about that

November is already taking off and it looks like it's going to be a great month.  Don't forget the WinCustomize Charity/Subscription Drive that we just kicked off, and be sure to tell your friends and family.  See you next week!


on Nov 02, 2007
Great picks this week Island Dog.  It must get harder as Fall and Winter pick up and the skinners have more time to perfect their work.  Good for us though, right?

on Nov 02, 2007
Great looking stuff for sure. But I wish there was something new from one of the older Master Skinners now and then. It is good to always see new people doing such good work. It is a good start for the month of November...

on Nov 02, 2007
Fantastic picks as always Island Dog.
on Nov 02, 2007
Great choices!!!
on Nov 02, 2007
Great Picks this week!!!
on Nov 02, 2007
Great Job everyone!
on Nov 03, 2007
Well done to everyone
on Nov 03, 2007
Awesome jobs this week
thanks to all Skinners/authors
on Nov 03, 2007
Congrats all on being featured
on Nov 03, 2007
Awesome work by all featured
on Nov 03, 2007
Great job everyone!
on Nov 03, 2007
on Nov 03, 2007
Congrats to all mentions here!  
on Nov 04, 2007
Excellent choices! Congrats to all!
on Nov 04, 2007
Nice everyone.