The voter ID "controversy" is finally headed to the Supreme Court, which will
hopefully put this issue to rest. Basically, the Indiana law says that in
order to vote you need a photo identification. If you don't have an ID you
may vote with a provisional ballot and then within 10 days either show an ID, or
sign a statement saying they cannot afford to have one.
So who has a problem with requiring voters to have an ID......well democrats
of course. The democratic party, along with the ACLU is arguing that
requiring ID to vote "disenfranchises" people to vote, and a DNC Chair actually
called this a "modern
day poll tax". How ridiculous is this?
The whole point of requiring ID to vote is to stop election fraud, which
democrats are usually the first ones to accuse republicans of. As usual,
the DNC is playing to the poor and minorities arguing that they cannot afford
ID's, and this will somehow "suppress" voter turnout. Getting an ID in any
state is very inexpensive, and the argument that people cannot afford an ID is
just nonsense.
You will see more and more of this as the '08 draws closer. Democrats
are counting on illegal immigrants to vote, and laws like this will prevent it.