For the '08 election season
Published on August 31, 2007 By Island Dog In US Domestic
Well since the '08 is making the news more and more I thought it was time (and might be fun) to have the first "official" informal Presidential poll here on JoeUser.

List the Presidential candidate you would vote for if the election was held today.  Give a brief statement why you would vote for this person today.

Republican candidates:

Sam Brownback
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo

Democrat candidates:

Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Chris Dodd
John Edwards
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 31, 2007
This was tough for me as all the Presidential candidates suck.  I was first going to say Guiliani, but I think for todays polls I will choose....

Duncan Hunter

I mainly chose him because of his stance on the border, terrorism and support for the military.

on Aug 31, 2007
The mighty Mitt Romney!
on Aug 31, 2007
And, if I was voting in the Democratic primary as well, Barack Obama. He's the least offensive of the big three Dems.
on Aug 31, 2007
Write in: Fred Thompson.  He is not perfect, but his views are closest to mine of the front runners.  I dont dislike Romney or Guiliani, but they are a bit too socially liberal for me.  If they get it I will vote for them in all probability.
on Aug 31, 2007
Rudy Giuliani

I like how he handled post-9/11 and he seems trustworthy.

But I'm willing to change my vote - will be watching things more closely as the election nears.

Interestingly, this is the first time ever that I've even considered giving my vote to a Democrat: Barack. But I'm not sold yet.
on Aug 31, 2007
Bill Richardson - he has tons of experience, both domestically and in foreign relations, and he's not Hillary or Edwards.

But I'd take an Obama/Richardson ticket, too . . .
on Aug 31, 2007

Interestingly, this is the first time ever that I've even considered giving my vote to a Democrat: Barack. But I'm not sold yet.

I like him as a man.  But not his policies.  I also think he is in way over his head right now (perhaps in 4-8 years he will be ready) as his Pakistan comment shows.

Interestingly enough, my in-laws and I went to a Gay Festival last week.  The only booth there was Obama.  I almost stopped and picked up a button for a souvenir.

on Aug 31, 2007
I agree the choices are not great.

I like Mike Huckabee the most at this time. He seems to be the only one trying to actually articulate his views and why (fundamentally) he differs on various issues.
I see him as living more by his convictions than the other candidates. He also seems less like a politician than the others. Kind of a, "This is who I am take it or leave it" kind of guy.

I know I need to do more research on the candidates but I am waiting for the list to shorten extensively but these are my thoughts for now.

on Aug 31, 2007
Hey ID. Just caught this one.

Maybe I dont have to write mine in. But then it is the Washington Pest, and you can never trust them to tell the truth.
on Aug 31, 2007
Yeah, I saw that, but I only wanted to list the "official" candidates. I have no doubt he will be on the next poll.
on Aug 31, 2007

From those lists, I'll go with:

Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.  No, I don't agree with them on everything, but at least I know who they are and what they are about.




on Aug 31, 2007
Rudy. With Romney as Veep.
on Aug 31, 2007
Sorry not to play, but my vote goes to someone that isn't a politician. Since there aren't any in that list, I am requested, by thought, to abstain.

on Sep 01, 2007

Of the group, Ron Paul is my favorite. He's a small government conservative, and the most independent minded on the GOP side.

Of the Democrats, I won't rule Obama out. There are several scenarios I could foresee where I would vote for Obama.

I disagree that Rudy is the only one who could beat Hillary. While LW's right about the "dragon lady", I question whether she can garner the nomination. And if she does by winning the minority vote, I don't EVER want to hear another minority lamenting the fact we haven't had a minority president. I think her attempts to pander to the black vote by questioning Obama's "blackness" are abyssmal.

on Sep 01, 2007
Hillary is so power insane that I would not be surprised if she Divorced Bill, married Osama Obama and then had the happily married couple as Pres and veep, of course Hillary would be on TOP.
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