I came across an interesting article on TownHall.com from Dennis Pragar who makes the point that if it's "bad" for America, then it's "good" for the democrats. It does make some sense considering many democrats have the typical "gloom and doom" outlook on what seems like everything, and their constant reminders of how "bad" things are going in America.
The economy has been growing at record levels, unemployment is very low, and even though energy prices are high, the economy has still absorbed the hit quite well. However, you won't hear hardly any positive talk about the economy from the democrats, why is that I wonder?
believe on issues such as Iraq that democrats (the leadership) would
prefer to lose in Iraq, rather than lose the White House. One of the two major
political parties of the United States has linked all its electoral
hopes on domestic pathologies, economic downturns and foreign failure.
It is actually difficult to name any positive development for
America that would benefit the Democratic Party's chances in a national
The better Americans
feel they are doing, the worse it is for Democrats. By almost every
economic measure (the current housing crisis excepted), Americans are
doing well. The unemployment rate has been at historically low levels
and inflation has been held in check, something that rarely accompanies
low unemployment rates. Nevertheless, Democrats regularly appeal to
class resentment, knowing that sowing seeds of economic resentment
increases their chances of being elected.
Read the full article at the link below.