I came across an interesting article on TownHall.com from Dennis Pragar who makes the point that if it's "bad" for America, then it's "good" for the democrats.  It does make some sense considering many democrats have the typical "gloom and doom" outlook on what seems like everything, and their constant reminders of how "bad" things are going in America.

The economy has been growing at record levels, unemployment is very low, and even though energy prices are high, the economy has still absorbed the hit quite well.  However, you won't hear hardly any positive talk about the economy from the democrats, why is that I wonder?  I believe on issues such as Iraq that democrats (the leadership) would prefer to lose in Iraq, rather than lose the White House. 

One of the two major political parties of the United States has linked all its electoral hopes on domestic pathologies, economic downturns and foreign failure.

It is actually difficult to name any positive development for America that would benefit the Democratic Party's chances in a national election.

The better Americans feel they are doing, the worse it is for Democrats. By almost every economic measure (the current housing crisis excepted), Americans are doing well. The unemployment rate has been at historically low levels and inflation has been held in check, something that rarely accompanies low unemployment rates. Nevertheless, Democrats regularly appeal to class resentment, knowing that sowing seeds of economic resentment increases their chances of being elected.

Read the full article at the link below.

on Aug 19, 2007
Read the full article at the link below.

don't need to read it gene keeps saying it.
on Aug 19, 2007
I cant comment on the US, I dont live there, but in UK its similar.

In my view Politicians as a genre are always Long on what has happened, and Short on what to do about it (apart from the usual bland and tired generalisations). As a society I guess we have grown Short on responsibility, and Long on Spin; they therefore get away with it, because we let them, its easier to pass the buck.

Kind of harsh I guess, but its not far from the truth. It would be nice to have elections fought on positive issues, not negative slander. The former will never happen until we force them too via the ballot box.
on Aug 20, 2007
The economy has been growing at record levels, unemployment is very low, and even though energy prices are high, the economy has still absorbed the hit quite well

You like the Dem to distort the facts as the GOP does? Since the economy is ok so the Dem should just ignore everything else? that is all that matters, the economy?

You didnt hear anyone distorting the facts, just pointing the OTHER problems the country is facing. and that is "gloom and doom" to you?

If you ignore problems they will certainly go away. that is the GOP policy not Dem.

Facing the problems and trying to solve them is not gloom and doom, it is called responsible governance. I guess you dont believe in that.
on Aug 20, 2007
you must not have read gene
on Aug 20, 2007
You didnt hear anyone distorting the facts, just pointing the OTHER problems the country is facing. and that is "gloom and doom" to you?

When all you do is tell everyone ho bad everything is (even though it's really not), that wwould be considered "gloom and doom".

Facing the problems and trying to solve them is not gloom and doom, it is called responsible governance. I guess you dont believe in that.

Facing problems is fine, but that is not now democrats operate in this country.  It's hard to find anything positive coming from the democrats.

If you ignore problems they will certainly go away. that is the GOP policy not Dem.

True to a point, but many problems that democrats whine about are not the responsibility of the government.

on Aug 21, 2007

In my view Politicians as a genre are always Long on what has happened, and Short on what to do about it (apart from the usual bland and tired generalisations). As a society I guess we have grown Short on responsibility, and Long on Spin; they therefore get away with it, because we let them, its easier to pass the buck.

A few years ago I might have argued with you about this. But age has eitehr made me cynical, or wiser, and it is no different over here. Lots of promises, made and broken.

on Aug 21, 2007
You can't have a change election if you say everything is great. Everything isn't great in this country. My personal priorities don't seem to be the big campaign issues but there is much room for improvement in how the federal government is run. We need a strong leader to step up to the plate and hopefully undo some of the damage done during the Bush years.
on Aug 21, 2007
We need a strong leader to step up to the plate and hopefully undo some of the damage done during the Bush years.

Unforunately, none of them are running, so you will have to settle for some clown.
on Aug 21, 2007
The party not in power will always rely on "What's Bad" to win elections.

Without a strong third party, solutions will never be debated. They just point fingers. With a strong third party, they would HAVE to have solutions, or the other guy would have a solution and win.
on Aug 21, 2007
Everything isn't great in this country

I don't think anybody said everything is great.  We obviously have problems, but why should anyone vote for pessimists and defeatists who can't seem to ever say anything positive about anything?

We need a strong leader to step up to the plate and hopefully undo some of the damage done during the Bush years.

Well that depends on what your definition of "damage" is.  Either way, a strong leader is non-existant in the field right now.

Without a strong third party, solutions will never be debated. They just point fingers. With a strong third party, they would HAVE to have solutions, or the other guy would have a solution and win.

A thrid party wouldn't really be much different than the 2 we have now.  We would just have a 3rd choice of losers who take sides with one the other parties.

on Aug 28, 2007
"Do Democrats Rely on "What's Bad" to Win Elections?"

on Aug 28, 2007
I'm all for fixing the problems and making good things better. Unfortunately, while Republicans are not sitting well with me, Democrats are not the party to fix the problems and make good things better in my opinion. I'm not to sure about the idea of throwing more money to problems that already had money assigned to it but politicians were very irresponsible (with the earmarks and stuff) spending it.

You like the Dem to distort the facts as the GOP does? Since the economy is ok so the Dem should just ignore everything else? that is all that matters, the economy?

This is an interesting concept considering the Dems don't believe the economy is doing good. Leave it to a Dem like John Edwards to say that 37 million Americans considered to be poor need our help financially. As if 2 cars, 3 color TV, cable, internet and houses were not enough, we who work hard for our money must provide these people with more money for that third car, fourth TV, faster internet and premium channels.

You didnt hear anyone distorting the facts, just pointing the OTHER problems the country is facing. and that is "gloom and doom" to you?

You mean "you" didn't hear it. I see it and hear it all the time. Doom and gloom is when there is good news and there is bad news but you only focus on the bad and pretend nothing good happens. That's the Dems way.

If you ignore problems they will certainly go away. that is the GOP policy not Dem.

That's not entirely accurate. Col has been ignored before but he's still around. The funny thing about Dems is that they create problems where problems either don't exist (such as there not being jobs) or are not the responsibility of the Gov't (such as having to pay for those idiots who bought houses they couldn't afford and the loan companies dumb enough to give them loans). Dem policy is to fix the mistakes of the idiots of this country by giving them someone else's money.

Facing the problems and trying to solve them is not gloom and doom, it is called responsible governance. I guess you dont believe in that.

Facing the problems? LOL that's rich. Dems don't face problems, they blame them on others (even between themselves) but never present solutions, only promises they never keep.

I'm sorry but Dems don't work for the poor or the worker anymore, they are all about votes, and they will say anything to get them.
on Aug 29, 2007
Dem policy is to fix the mistakes of the idiots of this country by giving them someone else's money.

That could make for a good bumper sticker.
on Aug 29, 2007
That could make for a good bumper sticker.

Where did I put those sticker papers for the printer? <--- forgot the smiley