Happy 25th to the CD
Published on August 16, 2007 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News
On August 17th it will be the 25th "birthday" of the compact disc.  Yes, you heard that right.  It's been 25 years since the first CD was manufactured by Philips in a factory in Germany.  Philips estimates that since then more than 200 billion CD's have been sold throughout the world.

Some of you might be asking what super fantastic band had the honor of being the first on disc, and that title would go to ABBA.  I'm trying to think back through the years of how many CD's I have collected and I can't possibly come up with a number, but I know it's well over a thousand.

My question to you is, do you remember what was on the first CD you acquired?


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 16, 2007
I think the first two I got:
  • The Sound of Music Soundtrack
  • Stravinsky's The Firebird
I remember the first player we got was HUGE.
on Aug 16, 2007
I think it was Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits.... Still have it!
on Aug 16, 2007
Rush 2112   
on Aug 16, 2007
The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack
on Aug 16, 2007
I bought The Beatles White Album and Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien at the same time.

Still remember the first vinyl I bought as well.
on Aug 16, 2007
My first was a 4-CD set of Beethoven's symphonies from the Musical Heritage Society.
on Aug 16, 2007
Wow, 25 years. My first CD was Dream Theater's 1992 "Images and Words", and to this day, they are still BY FAR my favorite band.

I also remember my first cassette, Journey's "Escape"...

I don't believe I owned any vinyl records... I'm only 34...
on Aug 17, 2007
Led Zeppelin 4
on Aug 17, 2007
E.L.P - Brain Salad Surgery.      
on Aug 17, 2007
Neil Diamond's greatest hits. (had to appease the mrs. for spending so much money for the player!)
on Aug 17, 2007
I think it was a computer CD.

I have an old tape reel of the Moody Blues's "Days of Future Past" album.
on Aug 17, 2007
My first CD was Boston - Boston.   
on Aug 17, 2007
Well, I can remember because I still have my first CD and it was Dire Straits, "Brothers in Arms" as well - Still play it quite a bit. My second CD was Pink Floyd's The Wall.
on Aug 17, 2007
First computer CD Star Wars: Rebel Assault in 1994 and first music Guns and Roses - Use Your Illusion 2 in 1995
on Aug 17, 2007
First CD: Dire Straits "Love Over Gold" and i still have it.

I remember i did almost blew up my speakers with it, because when i did play it i did think "hmm i don't hear nothing, what's happening" and suddenly .. a lot of music   

That was the very big difference with the LP, the big dynamic....

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