Skin Roundup for 6-22-07
Published on June 22, 2007 By Island Dog In Community

It is that time again, and by now you should know what to expect on Fridays.  Yes, it's another edition of "This Week in Skinning".  Not as many submissions as I'd like to see, but some areas like icons and wallpapers have had some great activity.

I always appreciate input from the community on skins you would like to see featured.  If you would like to suggest a skin for these weekly features, then please feel free to PM me or e-mail me with your suggestions. 

Now for the picks!


Drop Info for DesktopX
By RomanDA

Master RomanDA has brought us another DX creation, which is a widget that when clicked will give you 4 areas of detailed information about your PC.  Great work.


CS3 Icons set in Icons
By Kavel

Another set of Creative Suite 3 icons.  Great job, and hope to see more of this type of design.



Minimalistic Two (m2) for ObjectDock
By messiah1

Messiah1 has created another set of minimal backgrounds for ObjectDock including tabbed docks, zoomers, and tiles.  Very nice.



Broken Toes in Wallpapers
By AngelicJean

A fantastic, dark wallpaper of what looks to me as an alien planet.  Great job and check his gallery for more works.



Painted blue in Wallpapers
By Brickhead

A beautiful wallpaper render.  I would like to see more resolutions, but otherwise well done.



FreshAttitude for WindowBlinds
By othersnow

A clean and bright skin for WindowBlinds, that seems perfect for the summer.  I look forward to seeing more skins from othersnow.



If you are working on a new skin, icons, cursors, etc. be sure to give a preview at the work in progress thread here on WinCustomize.  Don't forget to subscribe to our new YouTube channel (it's new, so if you subscribed before please subscribe to this new channel) where you can join our group and upload your desktop videos there.  See you next week!


on Jun 22, 2007
Great selection ID!
on Jun 22, 2007
As always ID. You pick 'em good. Thanks for the attention.
on Jun 22, 2007
Very nice again ID
on Jun 22, 2007
Great choices
on Jun 22, 2007
Thanks bud for the props...
on Jun 22, 2007
Thanks ID for the nod!! I'll work on adding more resolutions!!
on Jun 24, 2007
Wow thnx ID, I didnt think my design would be this popular when I started working on it, thnx for the encouragement!
on Jun 24, 2007
Wonderful collection, Thank you ID

It's My Secret
on Jun 24, 2007
This is one article I look foward to every week.
By the way... not to toot my own horn or anything, but I keep up to date with the WinCustomize RSS ReaderScreen Saver.  
Thanks again for another great roundup.