It's been clear in past elections that the media will go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure a democratic victory.  Most recent we saw how the media waited and blown out of proportion the Foley story just in time to affect the elections.  Would a democrat have gotten the same treatment?  I doubt it.

We see how the media treats people like Jefferson (a democrat), and Foley (a republican).  One gets 24 hour non-stop media coverage and the other gets minimal coverage.  Care to guess which one got the better treatment?  Now liberals and the liberal-tarians that constantly use cute words like "faux news" will constantly tell us how Fox News is biased, but completely ignore the rest of the media.

Just this week Good Morning America had a town hall meeting featuring Hillary Clinton.  Now this meeting was filled wtih people selected by her campaign, and even some who worked on HillaryCare I.  The hosts of GMA let Clinton speak for most of the aired time, and didn't challenge or ask any challenging questions regarding her proposed government healthcare plans. 

It will be interesting to see if a republican candidate gets the same treatment.

on Mar 28, 2007
Yea, right.  The left tries to find examples of Fox being biased IN THEIR NEWS COVERAGE, and comes up mostly empty.  The examples they cite are not biases to the right, but non-biases to the left.  Yet to find the bias at the other "news" (and I use that term sarcastically) organizations is like shooting fish in a barrell.  From the incessant "Conservative so and so" and not the "liberal so and so" to the more blatant use of democrat talking points, even when the facts have shown them to be in error.
on Mar 28, 2007
Do not hold your breath waiting for any media outlet except fox to give anyone from the right the correct time of day let alone a fair chance in an interview. If we treated detainees the way the MSM treats the right the ACLU, The NAACP, and the liberal loons would be screaming torture.
on Mar 30, 2007
Testing after blacklisting.