Published on March 19, 2007 By Island Dog In Politics
Welfare programs have been one of the biggest problems in todays society, and it keeps growing. Welfare programs do not help people, they make people rely on the government and that mindset is one of the biggest problems going today. I would like to see most welfare programs eliminated or severely cut.

Now as the '08 election heats up democrats will no doubt use welfare/entitlement programs to pander to their base, which is what they typically do during every election cycle. Unfortunately, Republicans will not have a candidate with the courage to take on these programs, so I expect them to stay at the levels they are at, or if a democrat is elected President, they will increase.

So to keep this short what is your opinion? Should we eliminate these programs, give them more money, or just regulate them more?
on Mar 19, 2007
I think many can and should be reduced but the problem is laregly a cultural reluctance to spend or live within our means.
on Mar 20, 2007

Yes. We should eliminate welfare.

It robs the recipients of the will to do better and literally robs everyone else.

on Mar 20, 2007
When using your head to bring down a brick wall fails after 50 years, it is time to find a new tool to break the wall.
on Mar 20, 2007
Here's my take:

We should eliminate all welfare programs that don't get a return on them. Meaning, we should only keep select programs like workforce training/education programs, and even then only keep them with the caveats that certain GPA's are maintained and that the student is actually progressing towards a degree (I know a guy working on his fifth or sixth year of junior college...he has no incentive to get a degree so he keeps milking all the student aid money he can get. I think that's just wrong). Education programs offer a return on the government's investment in the increased workforce value of the recipient. That money is more than paid back in increased SS earnings.