Published on February 2, 2007 By Island Dog In Democrat

on Feb 02, 2007
Socialism anyone?
on Feb 02, 2007
I have already listened to her screed. I care not to listen again. Socialism? no, Communism! Ala Chavez. I am waiting for the group photo.
on Feb 02, 2007
Just more idiotic bs from the democrats.
on Feb 03, 2007

Ever notice that the democratic party is made up overwhelmingly of lawyers. How many business people become Democrats?

Parasiting off the success of others is all they know how to do.

on Feb 03, 2007
"Ever notice that the democratic party is made up overwhelmingly of lawyers. How many business people become Democrats?"

I wrote an article about a week back on Edward's new house. It's the biggest house in his county, the most expensive, acreage, tennis courts, basketball court, his own "lounge" for parties. It looks like a compound, not a house.

It's worth millions, and where did that money come from? Skimmed off the top of settlements he achieved as a trial lawyer. The background he brags about working to protect the 'common man' from insurance companies and the like is just a cover for the fact he skimmed a lot of money out of our pockets, and the pockets of the people he represented.

Re: Hillary: Anyone find it odd that she and the Col are so much on the same page? Lol. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a shift in obsessions soon. I always thought he'd dry up and blow away when Bush left office, but now I wonder.
on Feb 04, 2007
Okay guys, make me understand - tax credits are not socialistic, but taking away tax credits / deductions is?
on Feb 04, 2007
Tax credits are used as a retroactive tax cut, i.e. to return to the economy money the previous president bled from it.
on Feb 04, 2007
Hmmm. Thanks.

So if we give a tax credit to Exxon that's a tax cut, but if we take it away then that's socialism - which is what Hillary is proposing. I've been doing my own taxes for a few years now, but....
on Feb 04, 2007
Taking money out of the economy is bad for the economy, period. There are some benefits, like education, etc., but you always have to balance the benefit with the undeniable drag that taxation creates. If you are of the mind that the money belongs to "the people", and that Hillary should redistribute it from the oil companies that earned it, then yes, I don't see how you can not call that socialism.

These much maligned "profits" aren't checks the government sends them. They are the earnings they make from selling a product. If you were saying that they don't sell anything, and the government just mails them money and Hillary wanted it back, then maybe you'd have a point.

You seem to be coming from the perspective that they somehow have stolen that money, or that they owe it to "the people" as a whole or something. In reality it's their money, and when you decide to take it away from them you start down a slippery slope.
on Feb 04, 2007
So if we give a tax credit to Exxon that's a tax cut, but if we take it away then that's socialism - which is what Hillary is proposing. I've been doing my own taxes for a few years now, but....

No, your problem is in understanding the obfuscation.

A tax credit is a misnomer. Simply put, it is not GIVING anything to anyone. It is just the Dictators ALLOWING the EARNER of the MONEY to keep it.

Eliminating those tax credits is a TAX INCREASE and goes to the heart of socialism by implying that all EARNED money is the Government's to do with as they please, and only by the GRACE of their benevolence are we allowed to keep our pittance. - And that is socialism.
on Feb 04, 2007
You're a farmer. You plant 100 acres of soybeans. At the present time soybeans are $1.00 per bushel. Sometime in the middle of summer, a breakthrough in science is discovered and soybeans rise to $25.00 per bushel. You are going to post the largest profit in the history of your farm. But don't you feel bad? You were only counting on that $1.00 per bushel to make your profit. Shouldn't you give a large portion of that money to those with greater need than you? Aren't you profiteering from something outside of your control? Shouldn't the government be able to step in and put a stop to those runaway profits? Heaven help us anytime anyone from the Democrat Party gets elected.
on Feb 04, 2007
Reply #11 AsectToday, 6:25 PM


Thanks. I would like to use this in the future with attribution to you! Great example!
on Feb 04, 2007
By all means DR. Guy. Things sure change when you consider "real world" examples.