Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 61)
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on Nov 20, 2007
And another..............
on Nov 20, 2007
on Nov 20, 2007
Hehe it's never going to be a wb hehe I'm just fooling around

Hey TYCUS, that looks great man! And Boxxi, that's awesome too!

Hey Jak, that icon is sweet bro!
on Nov 20, 2007
Boxxi , that looks very cool so far. It may be my favorite of your skins yet. One thing though the curvy cursor looks out of place with everything else so angular.
on Nov 20, 2007
Got a bit further......

on Nov 20, 2007
Well as some of you know I am going to attempt my first thingy (a 2of3 word) ever. If I get hooked somebody is in trouble.

I have no idea what I am doing but I spent a lot of time reading articles here to try to learn.
on Nov 20, 2007
Ranger375, what do you want to make? I will help if I can, just give me a shout. My MSN is
on Nov 20, 2007
Well it has been suggested to start with a Logon and not Vista Logon - so that is where I am going to start.

Had to come back to add something - uh...have you LOOKED at your gallery? Wow - you have some serious talent!!!
on Nov 20, 2007
Cool..... some of the logons these days are quite complex, with scripting etc. But it's not too tough to make a basic one. Do you use Photoshop? if you do then a Xion skin is a great place to start, very easy and very satisfying to skin. I can help with that too.
on Nov 20, 2007
hehe..... thanks. I have been at it for a while.

600 uploads to date, I think. (I've been addicted for a long time..... hahaha).
on Nov 20, 2007
Yes, Photoshop, Corel, and a bunch of other stuff that I seem to have collected. I will look into Xion.

Scripting is not a problem - I do have a little background in that sort of thing. It will be the art side I will need to sharpen.

I need to go somewhere to get inspired. Hey maybe I could pull a trailer up beside vStyler's house so I can feel the "force"!

I am truly flattered at your offer - I may just take you up on it if I get stuck. (like I am going to know if I get stuck.) There is a lot of information on the site too that I have been going through.
on Nov 20, 2007
Yeah, definitely look at Xion! Have fun!!
on Nov 20, 2007
BoXXi doing a blind     could have sworn I heard someone tell me they were done with 'em looking good man, is the font on the Start Menu going to be the skin font?
on Nov 20, 2007
Just finished this.

gonna recolour it before release.
on Nov 21, 2007
Not much to do on this now.....
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