Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

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on Oct 27, 2007

Any recommendations? I'm not happy with the "glass" reflections. any tips would be welcome.
on Oct 28, 2007
Try to get your glass to end at an abrupt line Xiandi. It'll look less like a gradient then.

What app do you use?
on Oct 28, 2007
You can email me a copy, I'll test it.

Here is one I would like to be beta tested. Not complete yet.

WWW Link
on Oct 28, 2007
Good stuff, everyone!

basj, I love that wb!    

on Oct 28, 2007
What app do you use?


So, are you saying I should drop a gradient down with a sharp edge and not blur it? just take down the opacity?

on Oct 28, 2007
Xiandi: I think maybe just clearing (erase) the bottom half of the gradients should do it. You'll notice in the taskbars and titlebars of alot of the wbs on this page, how the gloss shine has a distinct cut off. Easiest way I do it is to draw the gradient, use the selection tool to select the bottom portion and clear. But then, I'm no Master artist.

I use PS7:

on Oct 28, 2007
Thanks sViz, that trick worked out really well. Sometimes the little things make all the difference.  I got a couple of more things to do to it and it'll be ready to go!
on Oct 31, 2007
Its comming! InsightPro.
on Nov 02, 2007
basj that windowblind is looking great, I was looking for something like that a couple of months ago. Now, if I can just find the wall that had me looking for an orange skin...
on Nov 03, 2007
Here are some tile docks I'm working on for basj's WhiteFire theme.

on Nov 03, 2007
And a design for zooms/tabs...
on Nov 04, 2007

1 of the animations for Insight
on Nov 04, 2007
on Nov 04, 2007
awaiting moderation...
on Nov 04, 2007
...and some, for basj's WhiteFire skin..

Nice wall Jack!
Cool docks messiah!
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