Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 45)
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on Sep 15, 2007
My daughter will LOVE that one BoXXi
on Sep 15, 2007
Very nice job of cleaning that image up Jafo, I wouldnt have thought it possible.  
on Sep 15, 2007
Nice one, BoXXi. You sure are turning out those Xion skins!

Just beefing up my Photoshop skills reading dozens of tuts. This is the first wall I created that I felt good about (not sure if it's upload worthy yet)

on Sep 15, 2007
look nice BoXXi and sViz

well still working on some stuff:

on Sep 18, 2007
The first dock for the Vienna2 project...

on Sep 18, 2007
Cool spectrum
on Sep 18, 2007
*gasp!*, reply #666! Anyways, I am new to the whole "skinning community" and wondering if this idea is actually possible. I'm rather partial to minimalistic skins. Would it be possible to create a "real" glass affect, and present it in a way that wasn't boring? Not smoked glass, like Vista's UI, but actual glass. Just a question.

Great work by the way...I wish I had half the talent you guys have!
on Sep 18, 2007
messiah that dock background is hot, I can't wait to see the matching wb to go with it, I've never thought of doing multiple colors like that - wow, the effect is awesome, nice job!
on Sep 18, 2007

Not so much a 'skin', rather a bit of dermatology on an image....

Jafo using Explorer? The world must be coming to an end!
on Sep 19, 2007
Vienna2 Dock in action...
on Sep 19, 2007 and VStyler make me want to cry...Amazing works
on Sep 19, 2007 and VStyler make me want to cry

Thats funny cause you and 'Po make me pee my pants with your back and forth banter...  hehe, glad you like bud.
on Sep 19, 2007
glad you like bud.

Bud's not bad.. but Corona...       
on Sep 19, 2007
Bud's not bad.. but Corona

har, har, har.         
on Sep 19, 2007
Those docks look awsome

A simpler set of animations than normal but they fit a theme I am working on.
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