Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 40)
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on Aug 16, 2007
Amazing work Skinhit.    
on Aug 16, 2007
I started messing around with some ideas for my first IP icon set yesterday.This is what I came up with for My Computer:  
Can I ask please,is there a template on WC of the icons needed to make up a set?Thanks.  
on Aug 16, 2007
Everyone's projects look to be coming along nicely...

I'm about 97% finished on my Sexy WB... heres a snippet from the shutdown screen showing Dialog and Glyph , I should be finished either tonight or tommorrow, Check Maxstyles for any further updates but definately by the weekend as I will be on vacation all next week.

Thanks for everyones input.

Shot at 2007-08-16
on Aug 16, 2007
heres a snippet from the shutdown screen showing Dialog and Glyph
on Aug 16, 2007
Thanks for everyones input.

looks good vStyler
on Aug 16, 2007
This is a project I'm calling "Born Again".

Awsome for first time using illustrator!
Just one thing that always bugs me... I don't know why people squish reflections. I know it gives more space for the icon, but it's physically inaccurate. I prefer straight... The same thing can be accomplished with a b2w gradient on a mask, and it looks better I think. Theres my bit of constructive criticism.
on Aug 16, 2007
Here's an idea I've been knocking around in my brain...possible xion skin...
on Aug 16, 2007

heres a snippet from the shutdown screen showing Dialog and Glyph

Very nice look Johnny! Cursor too!
Waiting for finished

on Aug 16, 2007
excellent work Patrick! Sure would make a nice WB....
on Aug 16, 2007
and Bobby, that computer is perfect! great job! the only template i use is to open Icon Packager,goto "view" and click package builder. that will open the basics....
on Aug 16, 2007
Oh and Vstyler....."Your too sexy for your skins" incredible work! That will be the first time i buy a WB sir....
on Aug 16, 2007

You da man!!!! That looks awsome!!

Bobby fine job on yhe PC looks good man!!
on Aug 16, 2007
Thanks everyone...   
Just for the hell of it I even skinned a Throbber for it, it's one thing to me, it seems, that a lot of people (Dani aside) neglect to skin and something that can make a real difference.

Shot at 2007-08-16

Shot at 2007-08-16

Should be available on around Saturday.   
on Aug 17, 2007
the only template i use is to open Icon Packager,goto "view" and click package builder. that will open the basics....

Ah yes,of course..doh! Thanks man.  
on Aug 17, 2007

Here's an idea I've been knocking around in my brain...possible xion skin...

I know I'd download it.
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