Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

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on Jul 10, 2007
2 new icons i been werkin on Free Image Hosting at

looks good

Basically updating all my docks. Its gonna take awhile

sound good too
on Jul 10, 2007
Poor Webby...    
on Jul 10, 2007
Q . .. you know I like your skins, but they many are looking very much the same.  That's not a bad thing if that's what you are going for . . . but I'd like to see what you can do with something brighter.
on Jul 11, 2007
Q . .. you know I like your skins, but they many are looking very much the same. That's not a bad thing if that's what you are going for . . . but I'd like to see what you can do with something brighter.

ah OK no problems
i don't know how this will turn thought for now i don't know his colors (frames black but maybe one or both substyles too ) i made it elements after elements.
I want to ,like in each new things i made, improve so try to make it better.
The weird thing is that i love blue and black so it's a bite difficult to keep them out but i want i this one something more. The main idea for "Arileen" is something for everybody, i want little animations, several colors (i'll see if i can , less transparency and in same time a design more conventional than "Secret BB".

Ok now that i explain this i need to make it really better
on Jul 11, 2007
Lots of great work here as usual.

Love the icons, messiah1; very smooth.

Zenith looks pretty slick, patrick.

Q . .. I'd like to see what you can do with something brighter.

I'd second that. You're work always has a simple elegance to it, Quentin, and I'd like to see what a little flare of bright colors would add to the mix.
on Jul 11, 2007
Poor Webby...
Its all your fault!

Slick looking monitor Messiah...looks like mine with the base "turned around!"

on Jul 11, 2007

I'd second that. You're work always has a simple elegance to it, Quentin, and I'd like to see what a little flare of bright colors would add to the mix.

thanks sVis

for example (though that would be a surprise so i keep the others )

not finished need to correct somethings
like i don't like the colorizing of SKS i made them in photoshop before make the skin
on Jul 11, 2007
Quentin little purple...
chance to gold-orange?
Hey messiah, nice icons
on Jul 11, 2007
Quentin little purple...
chance to gold-orange?

keep the surprise
on Jul 11, 2007
Quinten, what would happen if you took your usual blue-black and added something like the flames from this:

No need to change the whole color (I like the black and blue too) but add some highlight color here and there?
on Jul 11, 2007
Quentin, what would happen if you took your usual blue-black and added something like the flames from this:

something like you'll need a giant screen

No need to change the whole color (I like the black and blue too) but add some highlight color here and there?

the highlight should be on buttons, start menu and frames i want it elegant clear clean and with a max of choices on color. So some substyles. thought the black/blue/grey one will be there too but with more highlight color on buttons/tabs like maybe cyan or blue neon. i'll see how turn it out to keep a clear interface too. I love usual things

I want to make a wonderful skin and keep out the errors of the previous
on Jul 12, 2007
and done and up.  

on Jul 12, 2007
cool I.R. looks wonderful
on Jul 12, 2007
I'm scrappin the one's I did so far and moving on with these...much nicer, better, cleanerer (hehe). Whatcha think? [URL=][/URL]
By [URL=]messiah1[/URL] at 2007-07-12
on Jul 12, 2007
Very nice messiah
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