Published on January 9, 2007 By Island Dog In Community
I was just curious to know what everyone is working on at the moment.  I was wanting to make a Valentines Day widget, but I don't think I will have time to finish it before then. 

If you have any "teasers", feel free to post them if you wish.  

Comments (Page 22)
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on Jun 03, 2007
Lookin' Gooooood John
on Jun 03, 2007
im in the concept and basic design phase of a desktopX mega suite...
i want it to be a simplistic type of interface, where windows will look almost invisible. i want a almost spy movie like theme. ill get my concepts up sometime.
on Jun 03, 2007
here's some of the Odyssey stuff I've been werkin' on for vStyler's SWEET theme.
on Jun 06, 2007
Tropic Falls is up now.

Odyssey theme looks pretty wicked, messiah1.

im in the concept and basic design phase of a desktopX mega suite...
i want it to be a simplistic type of interface, where windows will look almost invisible. i want a almost spy movie like theme.

Ooh, intriguing! Sounds good, epyk.

So many cool things in the works.   

on Jun 06, 2007
I've been working on a new WB it seems like forever.

Don't they always?   
on Jun 06, 2007
Unfortunately, SimAquarium has been my most recent distraction. This would make a great gadget!

I'm working on a big widget or gadget...haven't decided yet. It's basically a Security Suite - keyfile & password generator, text & file encryption/decryption. It's naked as I'm still working out the functions, etc.

on Jun 07, 2007
SimAquarium has been my most recent distraction. This would make a great gadget!

Oooh, pretty! But, why "unfortunately"?
on Jun 07, 2007
still working on CursorXP 3 animations remaining
working also on Xion here the background

on Jun 08, 2007
Pretty cool skins!

Hey Quentin, you skin about everything right?
on Jun 09, 2007
Yeah you are right!  
on Jun 09, 2007
Pretty cool skins!

Hey Quentin, you skin about everything right?

Yeah you are right!

No sorry guys i don't make icons
And i can't skin my life
But sure i try all i can
thanks Javier for the kind words
on Jun 09, 2007
Work in progress

on Jun 10, 2007
On my WB skin theme, called "No Good"

I'm just starting it today, here is a screenshot of my taskbar design on PS.

on Jun 10, 2007
bwaha its so difficult to create a WB Skin i just gave up. lol
on Jun 10, 2007
bwaha its so difficult to create a WB Skin i just gave up. lol

you know, make a WB take many time
but here you can find many help too
for example
hope that's help
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