Now here is a real waste of taxpayers dollars.  The brilliant TSA has decided to give "sensitivity" training to its workers on how not to offend muslims.  Whats even better is they invited CAIR, which has been implicated with terrrorist organizations a "walk through" of security procedures.  Doesn't that make you feel safer?

The Transportation Security Administration – created after 9/11 to safeguard America's airports – is providing Islamic sensitivity training to 45,000 airport security officers so they'll know what to expect when Muslims fly from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia to participate in the annual "hajj," or pilgrimage to Mecca.

However, CAIR itself is a controversial organization. It is a spin-off of the Islamic Association for Palestine, identified by two former FBI counterterrorism chiefs as a "front group" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Moreover, several CAIR leaders have been convicted on terror-related charges.

During the June airport tour, CAIR was taken on a walk through the point-of-entry, Customs stations, secondary screening and interview rooms. In addition, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents were asked to describe for CAIR representatives various features of the high-risk passenger lookout system. Brian Humphrey, Customs and Border Patrol's executive director of field operations, assured CAIR officials that agents do not single out Muslim passengers for special screening and that they must undergo a mandatory course in Muslim sensitivity training. The course teaches agents that Muslims believe jihad is an "internal struggle against sin" and not holy warfare.

Customs agents involved in the CAIR tour at O'Hare told WorldNetDaily they were outraged that headquarters would reveal sensitive counterterrorism procedures to an organization that has seen several of its own officials convicted of terror-related charges since 9-11.

on Dec 30, 2006
Political Correctness will be the death of us all.
on Dec 31, 2006
Political correctness is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now. We are becoming appeasers like Europe, where we have to worry about how our enemy feels about us.
on Dec 31, 2006
Political correctness is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now. We are becoming appeasers like Europe,

And so shall Europe and UK fall.
on Dec 31, 2006
Are they more sensitive now? Oohhh! I love sensitive people.

What a bunch of crap!!!!!!!