Published on December 30, 2006 By Island Dog In Politics

Now in the next several days you will hear the conspiracy theories coming from the left, and their strange reactions to the execution of this brutal dictator.  The left wing sites are already mourning the passing of Saddam, so lets take a look at some of their more "memorable" quotes.

""Saddam Hussein is dead. He was murdered today by the Iraqi government with the assistance of the United States government."

"They say the greats always go in threes. James Brown, Gerald Ford, and Saddam Hussein."

"The administration will, in due course, stand to account for a war crime committed in Iraq by executing the Iraqi dictator.

"...As such, the entire government of the US is now at best an accomplice to this crime, and at worst although it can be argued that circumstantial evidence suggests that it was a premeditated crime perpetrated by the administration."

"I say we begin by storming the White House and declare a citizen's arrest on Chimp and Vader, and any SS that still have loyalty on them."


on Dec 30, 2006
"I say we begin by storming the White House and declare a citizen's arrest on Chimp and Vader, and any SS that still have loyalty on them."

See, this is part of the reason why I abandoned the left, ID. I really had no desire to march next to these!

I am hardly a fan of the Bush administration, but I seem to recall having had a chance to kick them out just over two years ago.

Oh yeah, that's right...they stole the election!

Heeeeeeeyyyy....maybe I should use that argument in the local press to get headlines for!
on Dec 30, 2006
See, this is part of the reason why I abandoned the left, ID. I really had no desire to march next to these!
The problem with the left today is that they are so anti-American and blame America it's not even funny anymore. These people have sympathy for every brutal dictator and terrorist in the world, then have the nerve to proclaim Bush is the biggest threat to the world.
on Dec 30, 2006
These people have sympathy for every brutal dictator and terrorist in the world, then have the nerve to proclaim Bush is the biggest threat to the world.

Not quite, ID. I just recently saw their big sympathy ad encouraging the US to attack Darfur. OK, wait a second...aren't these the same people demanding we should NOT be world policemen? Aren't these the same folks who were saying that when Saddam gassed Kurds, it was an INTERNAL problem? Why are we encouraged to attack and remove dictators in places like Darfur, Kosovo, and Somalia, while similar operations in places like Iraq are brutal actions of a wannabe dictator?

I have a LOT of questions I'd like to have asked of this administration. But those questions will never be asked as long as loonies like this represent the opposition!
on Dec 30, 2006

"They say the greats always go in threes. James Brown, Gerald Ford, and Saddam Hussein."

That really says it all.  It shows how stupid the left is, and in the same breath they contaminate the memory of James Brown and Gerald Ford.  And the best part of it is?  They dont even realize the first 2, being the morons they are.

on Dec 30, 2006
It is good Saddam is dead. He was afforded a process to determine his guilt that he did not grant the Iraqi People when he was in charge. The issue is not are we better off that Saddam is gone. The issue is that the United States should not have been the vehicle to accomplish this change. Saddam should have been removed by the Iraqi People or at the very least other Moslems. The mistake Bush made is as Baker, Armitage and Powell warned - DO NOT SEND a NON Moslem army into Iraq. They will get bogged down and create hate among Moslems thought the world. An Invasion on the cheep will cause Iraq to become destabilized! (Baker & Powell) That is JUST WHAT HAPPENED. That is WHY Bush 41 DID not invade Iraq!
on Dec 30, 2006
It's interesting that not only did you not provide links to the quotes, but no one who has commented so far has asked that you do.
on Dec 30, 2006
Saddam should have been removed by the Iraqi People or at the very least other Moslems.

They tried that before col, now they are all in mass graves. 

The mistake Bush made is as Baker, Armitage and Powell warned - DO NOT SEND a NON Moslem army into Iraq. They will get bogged down and create hate among Moslems thought the world. An Invasion on the cheep will cause Iraq to become destabilized! (Baker & Powell) That is JUST WHAT HAPPENED. That is WHY Bush 41 DID not invade Iraq!

So I guess we should not fight terrorism because it offends islam and makes them mad.  I am so glad people like you weren't around during the World Wars. 

on Dec 30, 2006
Col, you almost had me, but you messed up at the end, as usual.

It is good Saddam is dead. He was afforded a process to determine his guilt that he did not grant the Iraqi People when he was in charge.

Right her, right here you had me going. I almost had hope for you.

The issue is not are we better off that Saddam is gone.

This is where you began to go down hill all over again.

The issue is that the United States should not have been the vehicle to accomplish this change.

It doesn't matter who would have been the vehicle, the criticism would have been the same. Only the Iraqi people would have been the right answer but we all know they were not gonna do it.

Saddam should have been removed by the Iraqi People or at the very least other Moslems. The mistake Bush made is as Baker, Armitage and Powell warned - DO NOT SEND a NON Moslem army into Iraq. They will get bogged down and create hate among Moslems thought the world. An Invasion on the cheep will cause Iraq to become destabilized! (Baker & Powell) That is JUST WHAT HAPPENED. That is WHY Bush 41 DID not invade Iraq!

If there is one thing I have learned in life is that no matter how much good you do people will always believe you want something in return. I, personally, am tired of being a good person, a nice person and always getting screwed afterwards. Sometimes you just have to be a jerk to get the job done. Bush was that jerk, I'm glad he sacrificed his persona to accomplish this so much needed elimination of Saddam. I could only hope he would do the same ti Kim and the leader of Iran. He may go down in history as the worst but we would love him anyways.
on Dec 30, 2006
It's interesting that not only did you not provide links to the quotes, but no one who has commented so far has asked that you do.

Cause by now people are fully capable of googling it. Links are nice, but it's that lazyness of not doing your own research that makes the average American that lazy asses and ignorant people they are today.
on Dec 30, 2006
t is good Saddam is dead. He was afforded a process to determine his guilt that he did not grant the Iraqi People when he was in charge. The issue is not are we better off that Saddam is gone. The issue is that the United States should not have been the vehicle to accomplish this change. Saddam should have been removed by the Iraqi People or at the very least other Moslems. The mistake Bush made is as Baker, Armitage and Powell warned - DO NOT SEND a NON Moslem army into Iraq. They will get bogged down and create hate among Moslems thought the world. An Invasion on the cheep will cause Iraq to become destabilized! (Baker & Powell) That is JUST WHAT HAPPENED. That is WHY Bush 41 DID not invade Iraq!

Is this anywhere near the topic? NO, it's not! The topic is " The Lefts Reaction to Saddams Hanging". This is "not" a bash Bush thread. Please get back on topic.

I for one am sick and tired of the left "always" finding fault with what the US does or doesn't do! It's either too much, or it's not enough, or we should have done this instead. If all you ever listened to was them then you'd think the US was a pile of steaming crap ( sort of like the person in reply # 6 ). That is, as long as they aren't in charge. If they're in charge, then "everything" is just fine.
on Dec 30, 2006
In 2004 during the election the lefties vowed to leave the country if Bush won, I offered to help anyone that wanted to leave with a oneway airfare ticket to north korea or Iraq and help with the paperwork denouncing their american citizenship... as of today NOT one has taken me up on my very kind and generous offer, instead they have stayed and poisoned the very air we breath with their foulness of spirit.
on Dec 30, 2006

Col, you almost had me, but you messed up at the end, as usual.

I was amazed that he actually started out with something that was logical, coherent and decent.  As noted, he degraded (as usual) long before the end.  Of course the Clueless One has long been known around here as someone that prematurely....

on Dec 30, 2006

I say we begin by storming the White House and declare a citizen's arrest on [the elected government]

That's what happened before it went downhill in Germany.

It is too sad to see people for whom Saddam Hussein is a hero and who believe that forming their own SA and arrest the November criminals is a decent thing to do.

If only they had the decency not to use Nazi terms to describe their targets while they glorify Nazi strategies and fascists like Saddam.

on Dec 30, 2006

It is too sad to see people for whom Saddam Hussein is a hero and who believe that forming their own SA and arrest the November criminals is a decent thing to do.

It is even sadder to see that Nazi Germany can happen again, and it will come from the left again as well.

on Dec 30, 2006
It is even sadder to see that Nazi Germany can happen again,

It is scary to think about it.