Now anybody with any sense realizes that polls are media driven and biased to say the least.  However, our resident leftist proclaims polls are always right, so lets take a look at the latest poll being used as liberal talking points and assume it's accurate.

Bush won the villain sweepstakes by a landslide, with one in four respondents putting him at the top of that bad-guy list. When people were asked to name the candidate for villain that first came to mind, Bush far outdistanced even Osama bin Laden, the terrorist leader in hiding; and former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who is scheduled for execution.

Bush was the choice of 43 percent of Democrats for villain, and 27 percent of Republicans for hero.

It's really amazing to me that democrats in this country think Bush is worse than bin laden, who is actively trying to kill as many Americans as possible.  I would have to say anyone who voted for Bush instead of bin laden or Saddam is both uniformed and not too bright to begin with. 

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 01, 2007
Lucas, do you believe Bush is worse than Saddam or bin laden?

I believe that Bush has his faults, has done things i don't like, and i disagree with him on several things, but, no, i do not think/feel he is worse than Saddam or Bin Laden. Saddam was much worse, and Bin Laden, well, we all know how he is.

You are trying to defend these morons by saying it's just their differnce of opinion. My point is not to be rude, but to show how stupid people can be. I would bet most of these people who voted for Bush are young, and have no real world experience in their lives, and get their political information from Digg or the DU.

It *is* their opinion though. It has nothing to do with intellegence. 3 our of 4 of those polled could be above average, and/or (insanely) intelligent. They obviously have a different gauge for judging good and bad. They've made their decision, and have decided -according to their gauge- that Bush (for whatever reason), is worse than Saddam and Bin Laden. Why do they think that, i do not know.

I'm stating what I believe; I'm stating what it is, and it *is* their opinion. It couldn't be anything else, could it?

You don't sound really tolerant, to be blunt.


Okay, lets take a look at your comment there.

You claim that you would "bet most of these people who voted for Bush are young, and have no real world experience in their lives, and get their political information from Digg or the DU," you apply that notion to most-if not all- liberals who happen to believe along those lines?

Yes it does. There is no intelligent comparison.

Well, we will (obviously) have to agree to disagree.

on Jan 01, 2007

Yes it does. There is no intelligent comparison.

Well, we will (obviously) have to agree to disagree.

on Jan 01, 2007
Lucas, do you believe Bush is worse than Saddam or bin laden?

I believe that Bush has his faults, has done things i don't like, and i disagree with him on several things, but, no, i do not think/feel he is worse than Saddam or Bin Laden. Saddam was much worse, and Bin Laden, well, we all know how he is.

on Jan 01, 2007
You are trying to defend these morons by saying it's just their differnce of opinion. My point is not to be rude, but to show how stupid people can be. I would bet most of these people who voted for Bush are young, and have no real world experience in their lives, and get their political information from Digg or the DU.

It *is* their opinion though. It has nothing to do with intellegence. 3 our of 4 of those polled could be above average, and/or (insanely) intelligent. They obviously have a different gauge for judging good and bad. They've made their decision, and have decided -according to their gauge- that Bush (for whatever reason), is worse than Saddam and Bin Laden. Why do they think that, i do not know.

I'm stating what I believe; I'm stating what it is, and it *is* their opinion. It couldn't be anything else, could it?

You don't sound really tolerant, to be blunt.


Okay, lets take a look at your comment there.

You claim that you would "bet most of these people who voted for Bush are young, and have no real world experience in their lives, and get their political information from Digg or the DU," you apply that notion to most-if not all- liberals who happen to believe along those lines?
on Jan 02, 2007

It *is* their opinion though. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

I agree that the opinion stated in that poll has nothing to do with intelligence.

on Jan 03, 2007
Your moral relativism is disgusting, Lucas. The sooner you realize that there IS such a thing as right and wrong, that absolutes DO exist in this world, that judgement is a necessary extension of intellect and self-preservation, the sooner you'll learn that ignorance is not 'just an opinion.'

I realize that, and unfortunately for you, it doesn't coincide with yours. Don't you get that through your head? Not everyone has the same standards, not everyone thinks the same. If you could ever understand that, it would be a freaking miracle.

I (suprisingly) agree with you on one thing, that ignorance is bad, and that willfull ignorance is worse.

All I am saying, is for once, can you at least attempt to understand, that there are other cultures in this world. That there are different opinions, etc...and, that not always, are people morons. Just because they formed their own opinion (even with the resources), doesn't make them morons. It means they have their opinion.

Tell me, are you a moron?

I respect your right to have an opinion, but that doesn't disqualify you for being calle doubt when, in my opinion, your opinion is both A) Ignorant, Intolerant.

Good day.

on Jan 03, 2007

All I am saying, is for once, can you at least attempt to understand, that there are other cultures in this world.

We understand there are other cultures Lucas, but you need to understand the difference between a brutal dictator, terrorists, and someone who is not.  I guess you are one of those liberals who just can't stand the thought of actually "offending" someone.

on Jan 03, 2007
I saw the sidebar with your title for this blog a few days ago but didn't have time to check it out. I laughed and mentioned the title to the other three in the room with me at the time.

So I said, "Well since there's four of us here, that means one of us is a Moron. Which one?"

Funny no one wanted to claim the title.

But then again, we all voted for Bush.

on Jan 03, 2007
If one's opinion is moronic, ie: 'Bush is Hitler personified and Bin Laden is a hero' then the person holding that opinion is a moron, Lucas.


1)1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.

Would you say, (even with your own limited grey matter), that admiring Bin Laden and other cold-blooded murderers displays notable intelligence or good judgement?

Or would you say that such a person, while being entitled to their opinion, is proving themselves notably stupid and/or lacking in good judgement by adhering to it?

They are morons. Plain and simple. Now send me $19.95 for the vocabulary lesson.

All I am saying, is that there are those who (obviously) have different opinions than myself, you, and others. I'm willing, and ready, to let them live their life the way they wish. If they are going to live it, as you say, ignorantly, and moronically...then so be it. I'm not going to point out their faults, or the like.

Remeber the adage, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Live and let live, no matter what.

We understand there are other cultures Lucas, but you need to understand the difference between a brutal dictator, terrorists, and someone who is not. I guess you are one of those liberals who just can't stand the thought of actually "offending" someone.

No, Island Dog, I understand perfectly what the difference is between the those you mentioned. Do I prefer not to offend? Yes, I admit it. I would rather let someone do whatever they wish, think what they wish, and keep to myself.

Live and let live.

on Jan 04, 2007
i have no idea what the idiot ratio is overall, but based on the following verbatim segment from another conversation, 3 americans who aren't lucas bailey just gotta free pass:

lucas bailey: im drawing a blank on roe v. wade, erm....wasnt that on abortion?

not lucas bailey: jeez was two options bush proposed for the residents of new orleans after katrina.

hu's on first in china?

lucas bailey: Actually, I was correct. It was concerning abortion.

Good day.


on Jan 04, 2007

No, Island Dog, I understand perfectly what the difference is between the those you mentioned. Do I prefer not to offend? Yes, I admit it. I would rather let someone do whatever they wish, think what they wish, and keep to myself.

And thats the problem right there.  People in this world (islamists) want a world-wide islamic state, so will just let them have their way just so you won't "offend" them?


on Jan 04, 2007
It's time to put your own handful of rocks down, Lucas, before you presume to chastise others for their own rock throwing. And since I've already provided one vocabulary lesson on this thread, allow me to edumacate you further. The words you quoted are not an adage, they were spoken by Christ and are included in the Gospels.

An adage is defined as: A traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation; proverb.

Have you ever been stoned, Lucas? If not, then you speak to no common experience by quoting the words of Christ. Even the book of Proverbs, contained in the OT, presents not the words of Christ, but the advice of sages.

As a non-Christian myself, I think the advice is crap anyway. Should we allow murderers to walk free because none of us are fit (as in sin free) to judge them?

If you want to quote scripture here, Lucas, you ought to start with Matthew, chapter seven, verse four. (now go look it up, you lazy sot.)

Yes, I have been stoned, many times. That is the number one reason I, as you say, become the "generalization gestapo." I dislike seeing people slandered, labeled, and the like. It's happened to me, and the very act disgusts me. Why? Because 9 out of 10 times, those who do the stone casting, know little or nothing concerning whom they cast their stones at. (Yes, I admit it, and cast myself in with that lot - the 9 of 10. I've done it before, and still do it, but at least I try. I want to not do it anymore, and so I try to be better.)

My apologies, I wasn't aware that they were spoken by Christ.

In reference to murderers: I don't like death, killing, or the like. Even if they are so called "justifiable killings," or punishments. To take a persons life, NO mattter what they did, is wrong - in my eyes. That's just it, no if's there.

Good choice with the verse btw.

How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Isn't that exactly what you're doing here, Lucas? Pointing out (the percieved) faults of others whom you disagree with? As a matter of fact, this is an ingrained habit of yours, particularly when it comes to policing 'generalizations.'

Hmm, good point.

You are correct, I am doing that very thing. I'm not sure why i do it, it just happens.

My apologies.

i have no idea what the idiot ratio is overall, but based on the following verbatim segment from another conversation, 3 americans who aren't lucas bailey just gotta free pass:

What did I miss? I figured you were either being: A) An ass , or Sarcastic.

But you don't keep to yourself, Lucas. You come in here and tell people they are wrong for their observations and opinions. For example, the author and other responders on the thread feel that anyone who favorably compares Bin Laden to Bush is a moron. Aren't we entitled to our opinions as well? Or are you willing to 'live and let live' only when others agree with you?

I never said they cannot have their opinions. I just (in my opinion) find them faulty, and silly.

And thats the problem right there. People in this world (islamists) want a world-wide islamic state, so will just let them have their way just so you won't "offend" them?

Realistically, it will never happen. So...why worry?

on Jan 05, 2007
i have been stoned, many times

i highly doubt that. but hell it's worth a try. as ridiculous as this may seem on first consideration, you may have more in common with a pre-drug hunter s thompson than is immediately apparent.

my advice: shrooms and jefferson airplane's 'surrealistic pillow'. do both about 40 times together.

may the baby jesus open your mind and shut your mouth.
on Jan 05, 2007

Realistically, it will never happen. So...why worry?

LOL.  This is so ridiculous. 

Why worry?  Because they will proceed to kill as many people as they can to obtain their goal, whether it's realistic or not.  This is the attitude of turning a blind eye to islamic terrorists that is dangerous.


on Jan 07, 2007
Why worry? Because they will proceed to kill as many people as they can to obtain their goal, whether it's realistic or not. This is the attitude of turning a blind eye to islamic terrorists that is dangerous.

And there will always be those who will fight them back, always.

I intend to live my life without fear of something that will never come to pass. I will give help to those who need it, and live my life; get up, get dressed, go to work, come home, and go to bed. I will marry my gf, have children, raise them, see them grow, grow old myself - with the love of my life at my side.

If it comes to where i must decide to fight it, for the sake of my family/friends, then so be it. Until that time I will not worry, I will only live.

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