Now anybody with any sense realizes that polls are media driven and biased to say the least.  However, our resident leftist proclaims polls are always right, so lets take a look at the latest poll being used as liberal talking points and assume it's accurate.

Bush won the villain sweepstakes by a landslide, with one in four respondents putting him at the top of that bad-guy list. When people were asked to name the candidate for villain that first came to mind, Bush far outdistanced even Osama bin Laden, the terrorist leader in hiding; and former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who is scheduled for execution.

Bush was the choice of 43 percent of Democrats for villain, and 27 percent of Republicans for hero.

It's really amazing to me that democrats in this country think Bush is worse than bin laden, who is actively trying to kill as many Americans as possible.  I would have to say anyone who voted for Bush instead of bin laden or Saddam is both uniformed and not too bright to begin with. 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 30, 2006
That is one option. The other one is to hold it up to the ridicule it, the educated idiots who conducted it, and the incompetent press who reported it so richly deserve. ;~D

Which was done here, obviously. I find it a waste of time.

Yep, that is a fairly succinct summation.

Wow, I'm shocked.    ( )

Not only do I include everyone else, I also include myself. Why be exclusive just because I happen to agree with me? With very rare exceptions, almost everyone is a moron. Stupidity is the true universalism.


Well, frankly, I find it silly. Just because they have a different opinion than yours, doesn't make them a moron. They may just live by different, rating tools, then you do. Where, you rate OBL as more of a villian, and they don't. Ya know what I mean?

on Dec 30, 2006
We are the nation of "Dancing with the Stars", American Idol, Paris Hilton and Oprah worshipers, Scientology, etc. How could anyone think we are stupid...

Oh that's rich baker. I mean, so what if you enjoy some of those things - that doesn't make you stupid. Tell me, what are some things that *you* enjoy? Then, I can start calling you stupid, etc... for enjoying those things.

Hmmm, maybe?

on Dec 30, 2006
The part a lot of dems are leaving out is that Prs. Bush was also the top of the "hero" list. Which to me is just as bogus, since the whole "survey" is nothing more than fodder for mockery... but does make it a little more interesting.
on Dec 30, 2006
First off, if polls are, as you say, " driven and biased..." Then why bother with this? Why, if they are biased, even bother with pointing this out? They're not an accurate representation, so...ya know, just ignore it.


Now anybody with any sense realizes that polls are media driven and biased to say the least.  However, our resident leftist proclaims polls are always right, so lets take a look at the latest poll being used as liberal talking points and assume it's accurate.

on Dec 30, 2006
Well, frankly, I find it silly. Just because they have a different opinion than yours, doesn't make them a moron. They may just live by different, rating tools, then you do. Where, you rate OBL as more of a villian, and they don't. Ya know what I mean?

What my opinion is has nothing to do wtth it.  Since polls are so important to the liberal talking points I decided to take one and look at it a little further. 

You have people who think Bush is worse than Saddam and bin laden.......they are morons.

on Dec 30, 2006
Frankly, I find your protest silly. No one's making you read or participate in Island Dog's threads, so if you don't like it, buzz the fark off, you ass-chapeau.

The real reason you're so upset, Lucas, is because you're a moron yourself so, feeling honor bound to defend other morons, you rush to their defense.

The reality of the situation is this...anyone who uses AOL is a moron in the first place, so I'm surprised the numbers aren't higher.

Fine, find it silly all you want. No, no one is. However, if he doesn't want me to voice my know, challenge it as much as i can - then he can BL me.

Ever heard of an opposing view, or the like?

No, I'm not upset, in fact, my feathers are not even ruffled. Like I said originally, it was (my comments) are just "something to think about," that's all.

Uses AOL, in what context? I use AOL instant messanger, why does that make me a moron?

Go ahead and think I'm a moron. Funny thing is, at one point in time, i would've agreed with you. Not anymore.

But, i digress.

What my opinion is has nothing to do wtth it. Since polls are so important to the liberal talking points I decided to take one and look at it a little further.

You have people who think Bush is worse than Saddam and bin laden.......they are morons.

Okay, fine. However, you said your opinion has nothing to do with it....but, you included it with it. Why?

(Citizen)Island DogDecember 30, 2006 06:24:46

Nice side step ID. You didnt answer my question, why bother with it?

Peace, ~Lucas
on Dec 30, 2006
Stupidity is the true universalism.

and that scores a knighthood.
on Dec 30, 2006

Nice side step ID. You didnt answer my question, why bother with it?

I didn't side step anything.  The topic of this article was that the American left thinks Bush is worse than Saddam or bin laden.  The simple liberal minds here don't seem to see anything wrong with it. 

on Jan 01, 2007
I didn't side step anything. The topic of this article was that the American left thinks Bush is worse than Saddam or bin laden. The simple liberal minds here don't seem to see anything wrong with it.

Yes you did, i asked you a question, and you side stepped it. If you're not going to answer it, then just admit you are sides stepping, and refusing to answer the question.

on Jan 01, 2007
Yes, dear Lucas, bask in the praise of those morons who would agree with this poll, and let them tell you how 'smart' you are. You're entitled to your beliefs, after all, may you cling to them for comfort.

I guess it's never occurred to you that a) your 'community' college professors are teaching at 'community colleges' because they are at the rock bottom of their academic field, they get PAID to tell you how 'smart' you are,(so you will continue your enrollment) and c) they're mostly commies anyway.

Funny, the instructor that I had for two of my writing classes, and justice class was the former Assistant D.A. for our county (or city, dont remember which). That sounds like he did pretty well.

Anywho, I digress. This isn't about them. They are good people, they made the choice to teach at the college i attend, and I am grateful for that. I've learned a lot from them, and most of them are awesome.

Well, there have been at least a few, whom have been honest. For instance, a few terms back, i just completely fucked up on a paper. I just, bombed it. I admit it was my worst ever. You know what, my instructor told me? He said that it was, " a total piece of trash," and that i had to rewrite it in order for him to be willing to grade it. He was blunt, and honest. No bullshit what-so-ever. I had no problem with that. I'd much rather have someone be honest, than BS me. (No, you are not honest with me.)

Heh... Ya know, I could just trash you, without knowing you. I could easily call you all sorts of things, and just throw a label on you. Months ago, I would do that, but I won't. I'm not going to stoop that low.

So, instead of returning the tidings...I wish you a happy new year.
on Jan 01, 2007
Impressive credentials, Lucas. No wonder you're in awe of him. I just wonder how all this experience in the administration of justice qualifies him to be a writing teacher? Do share with us...has he published anything? Been paid for his writings?

What qualifies him? Hmmm, me thinks it is the tiny bit about being able to write correctly. Just maybe, that might be the qualifier, eh?


'former': (meaning he probably got fired)

'assistant': (yup, he was fired. most 'assistants' eventually either become the D.A. or start their own practice)

D.A. from KLAMATH FALLS! (population: 40k. almost all white. 'nuff said.)

You're just making excuses. So what if it is almost all white?

And yet you continue on with several more paragraphs about them.

You just proved my point, moron.

The only thing i did, was not put it in the order i meant. *shrugs* I messed up on that, i'll just have to remember next time.

on Jan 01, 2007
let me ask you this, is every opinion that (apparently) differs from yours - make the person whom expressed it, a moron?

If this is the question you are referring to I already answered it.  Polls are biased/media-driven, however I have seen these same comparisons elsewhere, so I do believe some of these idiots believe Bush is worse than bin laden. 

on Jan 01, 2007
It didnt seem like it.

Now, to the question. Just becase 'you' think that those who think Bush is worse than Bin Laden are idiots, doesn't mean they are. Some Joe-blow out in the US could easily say you are an idiot for believing the way you do. How can you stand by and just be, well, rude? Your ability to realize differences of opinions, and hold your tongue, out of respect, is little, or none.

Good day.

on Jan 01, 2007

Now, to the question. Just becase 'you' think that those who think Bush is worse than Bin Laden are idiots, doesn't mean they are. Some Joe-blow out in the US could easily say you are an idiot for believing the way you do. How can you stand by and just be, well, rude? Your ability to realize differences of opinions, and hold your tongue, out of respect, is little, or none.

Lucas, do you believe Bush is worse than Saddam or bin laden?

You are trying to defend these morons by saying it's just their differnce of opinion.  My point is not to be rude, but to show how stupid people can be.  I would bet most of these people who voted for Bush are young, and have no real world experience in their lives, and get their political information from Digg or the DU.

on Jan 01, 2007
(Citizen)little-whipDecember 30, 2006 20:31:39

Nice trolling.
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