You just have wonder what goes through the minds of these liberal students and the professors who teach them.

NEW YORK —  New York City college students who share a community room named for an escaped cop killer called the fugitive their hero Tuesday as the school's officials demanded the removal of the honor.

A handful of campus groups at the City College of New York commended the school for allowing them to work in the name of domestic "terrorist" Assata Shakur, now believed to be hiding in Cuba.,2933,236015,00.html

And in related news.....

An ethnic studies professor from the University of Colorado, Ward Churchill, received a standing ovation last night from a crowd of more than 200 New School students after blaming the 2001 World Trade Center attacks on America's support of Israel and its sanctions against Iraq in 1996.

In a two-hour speech at the New School titled "Sterilizing History: The Fabrication of Innocent Americans," delivered without notes, Mr. Churchill traced what he called a pattern of mass murder as American foreign policy from the time of the country's inception to the events of September 11, 2001, which he said the country was essentially asking for.

I really don't know whats worse.  A "professor" teaching these garbage, or the idiot students who cheer him.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 13, 2006
I saw the CCNY story.  That goes along with over 30 democrat reps not condemning France for naming a street after another cop killer, Mumia.  ANd unfortunately, one of those reps will be heading up the Justice Committee.
on Dec 13, 2006
Hmm...everyone's crazy these they Rep or Dem...*sigh* I give up on politics. If you're not the one starting the war, you're the one cheering on the other side....that's basically how it is these days, right?

on Dec 13, 2006

My concern is "professors" who teach that the U.S. is responsible for killing 3000 of its own citizens, and referring those Americans as "little eichmans".  Whats even more troubling is the students who cheer this nonsense and support a loon like this. 

Id feel the same way whether someone like Churchill was on the right, or the left side, but condeming and blaming the U.S. is a trait more common in liberals these days.

on Dec 17, 2006
I think it is up to the academic community to police itself. You cannot have a situation in which a Professor's right to express his views in a free and fair manner are held to ransom in the name odf political correctness. You may disagree with the Professor but he has the right to express his considered opinions.
on Dec 17, 2006
I really don't know whats worse. A "professor" teaching these garbage, or the idiot students who cheer him.

Have you ever done any tertiary study? The whole idea of a social sciences degre to examine differing opinions in order to figure out how things actually work. While you may prefer that all intellectual thought first pass the Republican Party's censors, there are real advantages to be gained in allowing truly different views to be heard and argued.

After all, how can you effectively denounce a theory if you refuse to let it be heard in full? People, being cunning in nature and devious of mind, will simply assume that it must be accurate purely because it's being banned. By leaving it in the open it can be attacked far more aggressively and with far greater persuasive force than if it was in hiding.
on Dec 17, 2006
Have you ever done any tertiary study? The whole idea of a social sciences degre to examine differing opinions in order to figure out how things actually work. While you may prefer that all intellectual thought first pass the Republican Party's censors, there are real advantages to be gained in allowing truly different views to be heard and argued.

See herein lies the problem. Since when does a social opinion have a damn thing to do with say....chemistry or engineering degrees? The profs are spouting this kind of garbage in "all" the classes. There are times, places and classes for that.
on Dec 17, 2006
I think it is up to the academic community to police itself. You cannot have a situation in which a Professor's right to express his views in a free and fair manner are held to ransom in the name of political correctness. You may disagree with the Professor but he has the right to express his considered opinions.

And I believe you're wrong. A social concept has NO place in say, a physics class. I'm not saying that the professor has no rights to an opinion. Just keep their opinion out of the class room. It has no business being there! They want to hate President Bush? Fine! But that opinion does not need to be in a chem lab. Also along these lines is someone being failed in a class because they differ in opinion from the professor.
on Dec 17, 2006
The profs are spouting this kind of garbage in "all" the classes. There are times, places and classes for that.

Yes, the times, places and classes that Island Dog has made the topic of his blog.
on Dec 18, 2006
Yes, the times, places and classes that Island Dog has made the topic of his blog.

How so? The topic was about liberal universities. Nothing to do with time,place, "or" class. And unless you've attended an American university you wouldn't have a lot of knowledge about the subject.
on Dec 18, 2006
First of all drmiler neither of ID's examples had anything to do with liberal professors forcing their opinions on an unwanting class - one involved what could probably be called a student society and the other a public lecture.

And unless you've attended an American university you wouldn't have a lot of knowledge about the subject.

I am so sorry, Dr Miler. I wasn't aware you were actually a university educated PhD, nor that it required American uni qualifications to hold an opinion about freedom of speech and opinion on campus.
on Dec 18, 2006
I am so sorry, Dr Miler. I wasn't aware you were actually a university educated PhD, nor that it required American uni qualifications to hold an opinion about freedom of speech and opinion on campus.

I didn't say that you couldn't have an opinion. What I said was unless you've been there, done wouldn't know a lot about the subject either way. I mean "seriously" how would you know what is going on, on an American campus unless you've been there? Get a grip.
on Dec 18, 2006
And unless you've attended an American university you wouldn't have a lot of knowledge about the subject

Is Churchill teaching chemistry or engineering?

See herein lies the problem. Since when does a social opinion have a damn thing to do with say....chemistry or engineering degrees?

How recently did you attend a university?

on Dec 18, 2006
How recently did you attend a university?

Me? Took a course 2 years ago. Want to debate the issue? Or just carp on the "chicken hawks"?
on Dec 18, 2006
Me? Took a course 2 years ago.

No, I was talking to your sister drmiler, not you.
on Dec 18, 2006
No, I was talking to your sister drmiler, not you.

Oh, maybe that is your bitch then? Or are you his?
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