Well hopefully it will be available for Christmas.

"Sony confirmed Wednesday reports that it will delay the launch of its highly anticipated PlayStation 3 console until November. At that time, the company will launch the product simultaneously in Japan, Europe and the United States, Sony officials said.

However, Sony will be facing availability issues that Microsoft will likely have resolved with the Xbox 360 by the holidays, analysts say."

on Mar 16, 2006
Well, Sony says the system will be out in the first 10 days of November and that they'll be cranking out 1 million units a month. Hopefully if that all actually happens, there won't be the shortages that Xbox 360 is still having.
on Mar 17, 2006
There will be shortages ,it states 1 million per market i assume the American market includes Canada, then there's 1 mill for the whole of Europe and Japan respectively assuming there are'nt any major bugs found that can't be fixed in time for launch date, then they say 1 million per month ??? so there is no mention of per market which means 1 mill worldwide each month and in turn us Kiwi's and Aussies won't see it till around march-April 2007 if we're lucky,hell we still have'nt got Socom 3 yet ,it's due in late April after originally being told feburary ,way to go SONY
on Mar 17, 2006

If they are only putting out 1 million a month, that will not be enough for the holiday season.


on Mar 17, 2006
It's better than the few hundred thousand each area got for the Xbox 360 launch, though.
on Mar 17, 2006
The whle Sony thing sucks. Ad I don't trust them to put out the game for the US when they say they will. Japan will probably get it first in November and then everyone else in January... 2007!!!

I think Sony lost it this time around. Unless they come up with a good comeback, the PS3 is going to be a flop relativly speaking)

Can't wait for the PS4 to come out.
on Mar 18, 2006
Here is a Digg link about PS3 having Linux on it:

I have to say, if I can run Ubantu or Suse on the PS3, it would be worth the 500 dollars they probably will be asking for it.
on Mar 18, 2006

The thing that can "save" the PS3 is it's games.  The 360 has very few games that make the 360 worth purchasing.  However, some of the lineups I have seen for the PS3 are great.

on Mar 21, 2006
I have heard rumors that there will be no borrowed games for the PS3. Once you put a game on your machine , you cant use that game in another machine. That seems a bit bad for business structure.....

Talk about a DRM Pain in the Ass....
on Mar 21, 2006
That is not true. That is just a rumor that Sony has denied.
on Mar 21, 2006
Just like they denied that they never knew the security risk of their copy protected music discs...