Island Dog's Articles In WinCustomize News » Page 127
July 22, 2009 by Island Dog
I am always looking for new icons to place on both the desktop, and in ObjectDock.  They range from everything from site links, applications, to games.  Default icons can sometimes be nice, but they hold nothing to what some icon artists come up with. Here are some new icons from the WinCustomize gallery!
July 20, 2009 by Island Dog
Is this one of those Mondays, or is this one of THOSE Mondays?  It’s too early to tell, but I do know we have some phenomenal skins to check out from over the weekend.  Check’em out!  
July 17, 2009 by Island Dog
This week Stardock released an update to it’s popular desktop icon organization application, Fences.  This update brings a number of fixes and compatibility updates.  Most notably we have drastically increased the support and performance of Fences on Windows 7. Regardless of which version of Windows you are using, Fences is the ultimate way to keep your desktop organized. You can download Fences for free via Stardock’s Impulse, or at the link below. https://www.stard...
July 17, 2009 by Island Dog
A couple of days without internet, and I miss all the good skins coming in.  Well once again, it’s time to play catch up and I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far. Here are some featured skins from the last few days.  
July 13, 2009 by Island Dog
News courtesty of Jimbo9294 : 2of3 and I were chatting a while back about a new WindowBlinds skin for SDN.  We came up with some ideas and bounced them around to a few people, and the community project idea was set.  The purpose of the project was to design a suite by SDN members to promote this great site and as a tribute of the dedication SK Originals, Hankers & WOM made throughout the skinning community.  Many of the graphics for the project were inspired by the site and were ...
July 13, 2009 by Island Dog
The Monday morning coffee is already gone, what am I to do?  Well anyways, I hope all of you had a great weekend, and the best part of Monday is seeing all the skins that came in over the weekend. Lets go see what we have!
July 10, 2009 by Island Dog
It’s Friday already, and that means the best, and as far as I know, only skinning roundup out there is published.  This week we have a nice roundup of skins including some sweet wallpapers, a WindowBlinds skin, CursorFX theme, and more! Check it out!
July 9, 2009 by Island Dog
Looking for a really cool desktop theme for Windows XP, Vista, or even Windows 7?  Look no further, as the WindowBlinds gallery on WinCustomize has been filling up with user created skins. Check them out!
July 9, 2009 by Island Dog
The WinCustomize Moderators have convened in their secret location, and came up with a list of their favorite skins from last month.  I must say, it is another round of fantastic picks so be sure to add these skins to your “must have” list.   HG_Eliminator chose Provectus by Voidcore ”Void has done an outstanding job in construction,design and execution. Simply an awesome cursor.”   WOM picked 12 Apostles by Ausvet ...
July 8, 2009 by Island Dog
If you are one of the millions and millions of people on Twitter, then be sure to follow @wincustomize to stay updated with featured skin picks, news, and giveaways. 
July 7, 2009 by Island Dog
The newest poll on WinCustomize is a pretty simple one.  With the explosion of Netbooks and their rising popularity, I see more and more people posting screenshots using Netbooks, so we were curious about how many of our members are using one. I use an Acer Aspire One, and it’s really a fantastic little machine.  Vote in the poll, then tell us what Netbook you are using.  Even feel free to post a picture!
July 7, 2009 by Island Dog
sViz is back again this month with her latest edition of ‘I Love DesktopX’.  This one is packed with goodies this month, including an interview with Master skinner Vad_M.  Along with that she has some great DesktopX picks from last month.  This is a great edition, so don’t miss it!
July 6, 2009 by Island Dog
It’s the Monday after a long holiday weekend, aren’t those just the best?  Yeah….  Well anyways, I had figured this weekend would be slow for uploads, but I was wrong, some of you were trying to keep yourselves busy and succeeded! Lets take a look at some featured skins from the weekend!
July 3, 2009 by Island Dog
TWiS is back after a short break, and what a fantastic selection of skins we have for this week.  For many of us this is a long holiday weekend, so be sure to stay safe and enjoy yourselves. 
July 2, 2009 by Island Dog
The big holiday weekend is nearing, and we have put up a huge sale on Impulse.  There are some great games you can pick up starting at just a few dollars.  There are also a couple of great applications on sale including Stardock’s Keyboard Launchpad for just .99, and Corel’s CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 for $349! Head over to , or open Impulse to see the full list of this weekends deals.