Island Dog's Articles In WinCustomize News » Page 113
May 11, 2009 by Island Dog
If you didn’t get a chance to visit the site over the weekend, I got your covered.  Here are some of the featured skin picks for WinCustomize for the past weekend.
May 8, 2009 by Island Dog
We have been talking about the Marathon Icon Pack which the proceeds are going to help The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Today, Mormegil has released a free sample pack of one of the 29 included sets in the full Icon Package . They are a fantastic set of icons, and it’s also going to a great cause. 
May 8, 2009 by Island Dog
I don’t have to tell you anymore what Friday means, no it’s not about the weekend, it’s about the latest edition of This Week in Skinning.  This week we have several wallpapers, a slick WindowBlinds skin, and some DesktopX created goodies. Check it out!
May 6, 2009 by Island Dog
The WinCustomize moderators spent a grueling weekend together fighting it out over who had the best skin picks for the month, but after a few slices of pizza and margaritas, we all worked it out and came up with Aprils list.  These are the favorite skins picked by the WinCustomize moderators themselves! WOM picks Loneliness Forest V by hmn1 ”Futuristic look.  Lights up the screen.” Zubaz picks Covert Ops (TM Suite) by Philly0381 ”Covert Ops Theme Manag...
May 5, 2009 by Island Dog
My favorite community feature is back once again to give us a heads up on what’s going on related to DesktopX in April.  ‘I Love DesktopX’ is a feature brought to you by sViz, and as usual, contains a wealth of information about all things DesktopX related. Link  – I Love DesktopX: April 2009
May 5, 2009 by Island Dog
We are just a few days into May, and if you haven’t done so already, it’s time to post your desktop screenshot in our ongoing forum thread.  There are already some really cool desktops being shown off, so be sure to add yours!
May 4, 2009 by Island Dog
Where did the weekend go so fast?  Well Monday is here and there isn’t much you can do about it, except check out some of these cool skins from the past weekend! What skins did you like from the weekend?  
May 4, 2009 by Island Dog
As you might have read in recent weeks, our very own Mormegil is running a series of marathons to help benefit The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Just this past weekend he ran the 2nd marathon for this in Cincinnati.  Mormegil has also created a special icon pack to help raise money for this worthwhile cause. Link: You can also help directly by donating to their Team in Training page, located here . ...
May 1, 2009 by Island Dog
Anybody else glad it’s Friday?  If so, raise your hand.  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Since it’s Friday, you know what the usual routine is, it’s time for This Week in Skinning. This week we have a nice variety of skins from the past week, so don’t miss it.
April 30, 2009 by Island Dog
The end of the month is coming, so it’s time to start getting those May desktops ready.  If you are looking for wallpapers, head over to the galleries and check out some of the latest submissions. Here are some of my recent favorites.  
April 29, 2009 by Island Dog
A few weeks we told you about the Marathon Icon Pack for charity, which the proceeds are being donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Mormegil is heavily involved with this, and is running several marathons to help raise even more money for this cause. I just wanted to put out another reminder that these icons are still available, and the fund raising is still on. 
April 27, 2009 by Island Dog
Want to get a look at what the next major version of WindowBlinds might look like?  If you do, head over to a ‘sneak peek’ from Frogboy with the current mockup of WindowBlinds 7.
April 27, 2009 by Island Dog
Monday is back once again.  It seemed this was a busy weekend as the moderation queue was qquite busy, but I think we got most things through.  Check out some featured picks from the weekend. Let me know what you liked!
April 24, 2009 by Island Dog
The end of the week has arrived!  And of course that means the weekly edition of This Week in Skinning is ready to go.  We have some great skins this week including several wallpapers, desktop gadget, icons, and more. Check it out!
April 23, 2009 by Island Dog
Whether you want to change a specific icon within Windows, or replace the default application icon in ObjectDock, we have two icon galleries on WinCustomize that will help.  We have some really awesome icon artists that come up with some great new designs for icons, or build off the default icon of an application and put their own personal touch on it. This is especially true for more common applications like Photoshop or Microsoft Office, but you can find pretty much anything in the i...