Published on November 10, 2005 By Island Dog In Politics

"Saddam Hussein is an evil dictator," he answers, "who presents a serious threat to international peace and security. Under Saddam's rule, Iraq has engaged in far-reaching human rights abuses, been a state sponsor of terrorism, and has long sought to obtain and develop weapons of mass destruction."

Comments (Page 7)
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on Nov 12, 2005
Never mind that Iraqi Shi'ites fought with Saddam against Iran, never mind cultural differences between Arabs and Iranians. Suddenly they are all the same, one as evil and untrustworthy as the other

never mind that the iraq defense minister has already signed a military cooperation pact with iran. forget the fact that iran is contributing a billion dollars to iraq.

if you spent less time trying to invent a non-existent connection between neo-nazis and the left, you might notice real iraqi military commanders publicly stating they won't fight other shiites or the recent discovery of a new generation of ieds, designed in iran for use in iraq against our military.
on Nov 12, 2005
That is just a myopic problem of the american Liberal. They think once they pigeon hole someone by race, color or creed, they then can speak for all of those of that race color or creed.

as opposed to the myopic problem of the party which continues to reap the benefits of their southern strategy developed by strom 'i never met a white man i didn't like at least a lil more than a non-white man' thurmond
on Nov 13, 2005
as opposed to the myopic problem of the party which continues to reap the benefits of their southern strategy developed by strom 'i never met a white man i didn't like at least a lil more than a non-white man' thurmond

As opposed to Sheets Byrd? Maybe we can swap current stories of racist behaviour between liberals and conservatives. I will leave the kooks out of the equation, and just concentrate on the leadership.

Oops, you lose.
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