This has to be one of the funniest ones.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 27, 2005
Professor, what's the problem? Cindy Sheehan is exercising her right to express her support for those who put an RPG in her son's lap and we are exercising our right to expose her for what she really is. There is nothing "anti war" about Cindy Sheehan. She is merely "pro" the other side.

The problem is he has no argument. Kind of sad really. Being adrift in a sea of useless inanities and irrelevant data. Kind of the last man standing on a deserted world. Enjoy your kingdom Prof. Kingdom of the useless.
on Sep 27, 2005
dabe and myrr get canned, a newish user of the same ethos suddenly starts replying... Everything old is new again...

Tournesol, french for sunflower.
on Sep 27, 2005
dabe and myrr get canned, a newish user of the same ethos suddenly starts replying... Everything old is new again...

Myrr got restricted? I have been away!
on Sep 28, 2005
you said:
The problem is he has no argument. Kind of sad really. Being adrift in a sea of useless inanities and irrelevant data. Kind of the last man standing on a deserted world. Enjoy your kingdom Prof. Kingdom of the useless.

I say:
most droll Dr Guy. ironically you were accidentally accurate when you said that I had no argument - I made a comment, not an argument. What i didn't provide was the ad hominem attack. I guess I might leave you to it on this thread, not much sign of intelligent comment.

Prof Tournesol

Never argue with an idiot.
They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
on Sep 28, 2005
Tournesol, french for sunflower.

Professor Tryphon Tournesol is a character of the Tintin comic series.

"Les aventures de Tintin" -> "Les Personnage"
on Sep 28, 2005
but as soon as a citizen uses their right to protest government policies that you agree with (always the ones that impinge on other people's liberties) then they are un-American!

They are anti-American because they openly support the terrorists.

Do you call this a "patriotic" American?

on Sep 28, 2005

most droll Dr Guy. ironically you were accidentally accurate when you said that I had no argument - I made a comment, not an argument. What i didn't provide was the ad hominem attack. I guess I might leave you to it on this thread, not much sign of intelligent comment.

You call it a comment, I can call it a diatribe.  An ignorant one born of stupidity.  I gave no ad hominem attack, just an observation of a comment made in a vacuum.  You dont come into someone's blog and throw down a glove as a challenge and not expect it to be picked up and returned.  if so, you are not only ignorant of the real world, you are stupid and naive as well.

Notice the use of the word "if".  That means you decide what you are.  I am merely defining the choices.  You are making the choice.

on Sep 28, 2005

The person in the picture infuriates me. it almost brings me to tears thinking about how much my kids have gone without their dad for so that this POS is free to demonstrate.

I hope to gawd he hasn't spawned yet....
on Sep 28, 2005
The person in the picture infuriates me. it almost brings me to tears thinking about how much my kids have gone without their dad for so that this POS is free to demonstrate.

This is now the democratic base in this country. These people still don't understand that embracing these wackos is the reason they keep losing electins.
on Sep 28, 2005
This is now the democratic base in this country.

That sickens me. really. We seem to have lost all persepctive and are allowing ourselves to be represented by that retard and his ilk. I think that the liberals and democrats should wage a cmpaign to win back their party and philosophy from rabid eejits like the one of the picture above.

I don't hate many people, but that eejit....i'd rather spit on him than shake his hand. it really, really pains me to say it because it goes against every precept I try to adhere to. People like him just make me furious....they seem to rejoice at the deaths of American soliders, men and women who, truth be told, are just over there doing their job, supporting themselves and their families.
on Sep 28, 2005
that picture makes me sick to my stomach. To be honest....I truly do not think that ppl like him deserve to be in this country. Call me whatever you want....but a man that supports the ENEMY that is killing AMERICANS....well, ship him off to help the "Iraqi Resistance"....
on Sep 28, 2005
With regards to the guy in the picture with the "Iraqi Resistance" sign, I wonder if he realizes what pleasure the Iraqi Resistance would take in slitting his throat on national television if they had the chance. How many guys who look just like that guy have met that fate? Just turning him loose in Iraq without his sign and see how much he's smiling then. They are sick animals who will blow up their own children. Anyone who supports them couldn't have a functioning brain in their head.

And that's all I have to say about that
on Sep 28, 2005
sorry jill but EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I call those verps... that's a vomit flavored burp.

Sorry but Carter has that effect on me
on Sep 28, 2005
The thing I find most disturbing, as someone who has concerns about the war in Iraq, is the fact that the "peace protesters" are anything BUT peaceful. Start with your own, people. If you can't be peaceful, how can you expect others to be?

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