It never ceases to amaze me the accusations democrats and liberals constantly make with no proof or evidence to backup their claims. Here is a quote I'm am borrowing from Dr. Guy. His article about this is here.


"The president is a liar," she continued. "Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief." She accused Cheney of helping his former company Halliburton rake off illicit war profits in Iraq.

Now this lie that she is telling is common among the lefitst. Here are a few of the repeated accusations made against Bush and Republicans.

Bush went to war because of oil.
Cheney went to war for Halliburton.
Bush lied about the war.
Rove is guilty of treason because of the Plame case.

This is just of a few accusations that every leftist will make against this administration. Now let's remember something about this. None, of these accusations have ever been proven. Many people have written articles about this subjects asking for proof, not one has provided it. We have a post going on right now where two members accuse Rove of committing treason, yes treason, because of this CIA analysts name being leaked. I have asked for proof several times, not one has provided it.

How many posts on JU are there that tell us that we should give terrorists lawyers, rights, and freedoms? Now when it comes to Rove, an American, these people automatically assume he's guilty of treason (which by the way was never even committed). This coming from the side that loves to call Republicans "hypocrits".

What this is really all about is the status of the democratic party. These above accusations not only come from people on a forum, they come from our elected officials, democrats mostly. Democrats make the most outrageous claims about our President, about our country, yet they scream when their "patriotism" is questioned. If you have any proof of any allegations posted, post them here. If not, please retract your statements in the other posts.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 13, 2005
ya dog tex is the EXCEPTION that makes the rule.

Ya need more disclaimers dog, make a statement, then a disclaimer, another statement then comes another disclaimer, that way no one picks the one thing you said that does not apply to them and make an issue of it.
on Jul 13, 2005
My mistake. Most lefitsts, not all.

It may seem that I'm being picky, but it's very frustrating to me to see generic "liberals" blamed for so much and being subjected to so many accusations.

I know that I am definitely not the exception to the rule, and while there may be a few (even many) rabid, nonsensical, terrorist-sympathizing, hate-filled liberals, they don't represent me.

I don't care what side of the spectrum an idea or action comes from. If it's good, it's good and I support it. If it's bad, it's bad and I condemn it.

My idea of what's good and bad may differ from yours from time to time, but I certainly hold no partisan allegiance that forbids me from going along with something the "opposition" proposes.
on Jul 13, 2005
Really? Every leftist?

I'm a "leftist," and I've never said:

That is because you are one of THOSE leftists! We know you really are a Liberal Republican!
on Jul 13, 2005
It may seem that I'm being picky, but it's very frustrating to me to see generic "liberals" blamed for so much and being subjected to so many accusations.

Hey! I am good about qualifying!
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