Hard refresh.
Ctrl + F5. Several times may be necessary.
Thought I'd give it a shot. This is Khali atop a cabinet over the coffee machine.
Didn't work....
The new editor doesn't work on the Silk browser on my Kindle. No text box to enter text in the quick reply area. I'm going to be traveling out of the country for the next month, and that will be my only access to this forum.
For the record, it is right side up in Photoshop as well....
And I was gonna show that here, but apparently there is an image upload count limit/restriction. I am not allowed any more images. That is a huge step backward.
I had the same problem with my iPad. I cleared the cache, now I can post. Didn't try to upload a picture though.
Is this an error and if not, is the limit on a per thread basis or what exactly?
I got the upload limit message as well, but I was able to upload the pic of my new build a few hours later, so it may be a time thing as to how many pics you can upload in an hour, or something like that. It may just be a matter of waiting a while.
Thanks Mark. I posted a thread about it. If there are limits and rules, we need to be aware of them, in order to regulate ourselves. So maybe we'll get some info on it.
Thanks, clearing the cache worked
Yeah, it would be good to know what the situation is, and what we can or can't do.
I think the image upload limit, however, may be something to do with too many images being uploaded in a short period of time and possibly overloading the servers. It may be an automatic thing built into the system to protect the forums from overload and the site from slow-down.
That's just my guess, though, and when image uploads have slowed and returned to normal, you'll be able to post again. Hopefully, somebody with more knowledge on the matter than I with respond to your thread and clarify the situation for us.
Again, RND, check that PS doesn't have an 'auto orientation' option checked too.
An image file only exists in one orientation - that which relates to which way up the camera is.
If a camera is upside down the image will be also. We are talking data file recorded directly to the camera/whatever.
Clever image correction 'tools' simply make fools of us all.
They should never be used, but instead corrected manually so that no matter what format or viewing method used they are always correct as expected...