Back in 2012, I wrote an article called Lumia 920–Best Smartphone I Have Owned.  It’s gotten a nice amount of views and several pages of comments since then, mostly about Windows Phone 8. That was my second time trying a Windows Phone, and after a couple of years with it, I’ve gone back to the iPhone with the iPhone 6 and will most likely stay with that going forward.  I still stand by most of what I said in that article.  The Lumia 920 is a great piece of hardware, and Windows Phone 8 is a nice mobile OS, but it isn’t for everyone and I needed a platform that’s going forward, so I ordered the iPhone 6 once it was available.


Windows Phone 8 has made some decent improvements in the app ecosystem over the years, but it’s still lagging behind and in all honestly, developers just don’t care much about it.  It has roughly a 3% market share, so priority for developing or updating apps just isn’t there.  Many long-awaited apps like Instagram finally made their way to Windows Phone, but are slapped with a Beta in the title, and then they go back to working on the iOS and Android versions of their apps.  When something new comes out, you can guarantee it will available for iOS/Android.  Windows Phone might get it eventually, and usually a dumbed-down version.  Latest example: Flipboard (which doesn’t flip on Windows Phone).

Outside of the home or office, my mobile device is key for my music collection.  I’ve really tried to like Xbox Music, but it’s a huge embarrassment not only on Windows Phone, but in Windows itself.  It’s slow, clunky UI, playlist feature is just horrible, and syncing with Windows is frustrating.  Being branded with Xbox, these apps should be top-notch, but they feel like they were put together by people who don’t even use it.

I do still like the Live Tiles concept.  It’s a big part of what sets Windows Phone apart, although I really haven’t missed the feature much when using the iPhone. As far as hardware goes, wireless charging was a neat feature on the Lumia phones, but again, I really haven’t found myself missing it.  Yeah, it would be nice to have, but not something that’s a deciding factor for purchase now.

So overall I’m happy I switched, and I don’t see myself going back to Windows Phone again.  For me, it’s just not worth the hassle.

Let me mention though that I’m not trying to sell iOS 8 or the iPhone 6 here.  I recommend you use and purchase whatever mobile device works for you regardless of the OS or hardware brand.  As I said, Windows Phone is a good mobile OS, it’s just no longer working for my needs and wants. 

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 01, 2014


Yes yes! Listen to jafo Android and Microsoft make good functional phones that are compatible. Apple is evil and I don't like you anymore ID because of what you did.

Really Apples UI, network, syntax, brand, product conventions, compatibility, pricing, idea copying/STEALING, all suck. Windows products don't have pricing, functionality, and moral issues. Redeem your soul. Please.


DARCA ;- )

Most of that is ridiculous thinking.

If you read my post you'll see why I switched, and lets not even get into morality issues and the like in regards to Google.


on Dec 01, 2014

Have you ever held a little baby hard drive in your hand and thought about its future? They want to be in a Microsoft product, not apple.

And if you actually took a look at Android you'd see why they are better for what you wanted.

on Dec 01, 2014

I'm familiar with Android, and want nothing to do with it or Google.

Most of the computer products on my desk are Apple, so that makes it even easier to work with.


on Dec 01, 2014

Your dead to me! Prepare to be invaded by my Empire of Androids!!! (that would make a great random event "the phone wars")

on Dec 01, 2014

I want what he's smoking....

on Dec 01, 2014

Island Dog

If you read my post you'll see why I switched,

Island Dog

Most of the computer products on my desk are Apple, so that makes it even easier to work with.

I don't care, you're still a traitor... converting dozens upon dozens of us to Nokia Lumias with your post, then jumping ship.  Had I not been so dehydrated when I first read this thread... going back to an iPhone indeed.... well I possibly could have cried.  I mean, the best phone ever, and it's on the crap heap of [now] unloved tech.  So sad... so, so sad.

Nah, it's what best suits ones needs, and obviously the iPhone fits in with you Apple setup.  I still have my Lumia 820 and see no need as yet to change or upgrade to anything else.  It works well and fits in with my Windows 8 environment.. to which I am soon adding a HP Envy x2 tablet-come-laptop with an Intel Core M 5Y10 @ 2.0ghz, a 128gb SSD, 4gb RAM and Win 8.1 installed. It was a toss up between it and a Surface Pro 3, but  the HP Envy won out at near 300 bucks cheaper and more power, etc. I'm getting it for $797 not the $997 advertised, plus I'm selling my laptop for $150, which brings down my expenditure even more.

Island Dog

I'm familiar with Android, and want nothing to do with it or Google.

Agreed!  I never liked Android phones and I've never trusted Google.

on Dec 01, 2014

Smoking causes aneurysms. Jokes causes happiness.

on Dec 02, 2014


on Dec 02, 2014


I don't care, you're still a traitor... converting dozens upon dozens of us to Nokia Lumias with your post, then jumping ship.  Had I not been so dehydrated when I first read this thread... going back to an iPhone indeed.... well I possibly could have cried.  I mean, the best phone ever, and it's on the crap heap of [now] unloved tech.  So sad... so, so sad.

I still think Windows Phone, or whatever they call it now is still a great OS.  I'd take one over Android any day and I still recommend them to anyone who doesn't want an iPhone but isn't sure about Android.


on Dec 02, 2014

Windows Phone is great, that's for sure. I'd still be using mine if it weren't for my kid switching to Android. Although i too hate Google, I'm now using a Samsung Note 4 and I admit I thoroughly enjoy the phone. You have no idea how much it pains me to admit that.

I agree with Starkers. As long as the phone you're using serves your needs, nobody should be telling you to use something different. heck, look at Andrew Luck. He's still rocking an old Nokia flip-phone. He's never owned a smartphone of any brand. That's what he says, anyway.

It all boils down to each his own.

on Dec 02, 2014

Island Dog

Quoting starkers,

I don't care, you're still a traitor... converting dozens upon dozens of us to Nokia Lumias with your post, then jumping ship.  Had I not been so dehydrated when I first read this thread... going back to an iPhone indeed.... well I possibly could have cried.  I mean, the best phone ever, and it's on the crap heap of [now] unloved tech.  So sad... so, so sad.

I still think Windows Phone, or whatever they call it now is still a great OS.  I'd take one over Android any day and I still recommend them to anyone who doesn't want an iPhone but isn't sure about Android.


Windows Phone is still called that and still a great OS, as you say.  I had a cheapy Nokia push button unit and wasn't really in the market for a smart phone until I read your post about the Lumia 920 and saw the addtional features available.  Now I did look at Android phones and various iPhone models, but none of those impressed me as much as the Nokia Lumia 820.  At the time the 920 was somewhat harder to come by and cost a couple of hundred bucks more, so the 820 was the obvious choice.  I don't know why so many people disliked it back then, it has served me well and is a solid performer.

As for Windows Phone being behind/found wanting in the apps department, I have found all the apps I've wanted or needed, and MS is improving the platform all the time, so I can't see changing any time soon.  I once had an Android phone and disliked it from word go, which is why I was so appreciative of your Lumia post showing a much better alternative.

on Dec 02, 2014


Windows Phone is great, that's for sure. I'd still be using mine if it weren't for my kid switching to Android. Although i too hate Google, I'm now using a Samsung Note 4 and I admit I thoroughly enjoy the phone. You have no idea how much it pains me to admit that.

Thing is, John, you made a choice so as to be compatible with your kids.  Nothing wrong with that, and if you're enjoying the Note 4, then that's all that matters and it shouldn't pain you to admit it.  It's not like you've dissed the Lumia/Windows Phone and said disparaging things about it before kicking it to the kerb, so no foul, no harm.

on Dec 02, 2014

Can we have a relevant discussion about desktops next, I want one...a good one. Not a phone of the same price.

and honestly ID, I have a Nokia 921 or 920 so that's why don't understand you.

tell siri I said what's up.

on Dec 03, 2014

Hehe, I do have Android to thank for one thing... making me want and get something a whole lot better. 

Long live Nokia Lumias and Windows Phone 8.1.

on Dec 07, 2014

I bought the Lumia Icon back in March of this year. I had the Lumia 928 prior to that.

Both of these phones have been rock solid as far as performance and reliability.


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