I have Bright House as our cable provider, and recently we had to put digital adapters on all our TVs (5) in order to continue to watch cable after their digital conversion.  The best part is we also have to pay $2 each for these boxes.

After getting my latest with all these charges it's nearly topping $200 with internet, TV, phone, etc.  I'm just about done.  Obviously internet is a necessity, but after taking a tally of what people actually watch in this house, I'm not seeing much reason to have cable TV at all.

Nearly all the shows people here watch are either available for free online, or through a much cheaper service like Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon.  Add a HD antenna to that and I'm not really sure what we'd be missing out.

I'm curious to know if anyone else has "cut the cable" and any pros and cons you have found.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 16, 2014

The Fix is In.

And you've gotta listen to this exchange (don't have any valuable items nearby when you do - you're likely to start throwing things & might make a mistake):

Someone attempts to 'cut the cable'


on Jul 16, 2014

^ I was looking for that exact sound clip. Kudos, Daiwa! 

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