Published on May 8, 2014 By Island Dog In Books

We talk about movies and TV, so why not have a discussion about the books we read!  Let us know what's the last book you read, and feel free to recommend it or expand on what it's about.

I mostly read through my Kindle and get most of my eBooks through Amazon.

The book I recently finished was Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of Wright Patterson.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 22, 2014

Battle Born by Dale Brown. Now reading Flight of the Old Dog by same author....again!!

on May 22, 2014

Ah yes, I remember Flight of the Old Dog from many many moons ago. Seems like I read that 20+ years ago, is it really that old?

on May 23, 2014

on May 27, 2014

Raising chickens for dummies.

on May 27, 2014

Gore Vidal's Julian.

on May 28, 2014

Love Lasts Three Years by Frederic Beigbeder which shamelessly lying..

That was read on the beach last year under the influence of several tequilas

on May 28, 2014

Wild Goose, Brother Goose by Mel Ellis   Told from the goose' point of view. A poignant story about a pair of Canadian geese. btw Canadian geese mate for life...well until one dies. 

on May 28, 2014

Little Failure and The Russian Debutante's Handbook - Gary Shteyngart.

on May 28, 2014

Little Failure
...I';m reading that now, and it is so good!!  So I will probably read the other as well!!

on May 28, 2014

The Stand, Stephen King. Back when it was fresh.   I don't read much...heheh.

on May 28, 2014

Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series.   Great books, innovative magic system in it.

on Jun 28, 2014

I'm rereading the Wheel of Time series, except that I'm finally getting to read all 14 books for the first time.  It's been a good time so far!

Am currently just over 300 pages into Path of Daggers, and am pleasantly surprised by the pacing.  I remembered books 7-10 being a slog, but aside from a couple chapters, CoS wasn't bad at all, and thus far, PoD has moved along just fine as well.  Perhaps it's more WH and CoT that move along so slowly.  Either way, I'm enjoying the journey in the meantime.   





Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series.   Great books, innovative magic system in it.

Agreed.  I found the pacing to be very uneven (it seems to be a Sanderson trademark in my experience), but it's an excellent series with an amazing storyline. 


on Jul 02, 2014

Since we are on the subject of books and reading, I am reading, The Case for Books by Robert Darnton, the celebrated historian. He writes about the future of the printed book in this digital age and is a good read.

on Jul 02, 2014

Stephen King - Under The Dome.

1200 page mofo/doorstopper.

on Jul 08, 2014


Since we are on the subject of books and reading, I am reading, The Case for Books by Robert Darnton, the celebrated historian. He writes about the future of the printed book in this digital age and is a good read.

Can you get that on kindle? Joking! Kind of.


edit: the answer is yes, and it is now on my wish list.

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