In case you have no desire to install the Windows 8 preview, I went through the difficulty of clicking the mouse several times and installing it for you! This is obviously an early build, but it gives a general idea of what Win8 looks like.
I am not really thrilled with the Metro look to be honest. I just think the tiles are too plain for my taste, especially after spending so much time with this community watching people create awesome, very details, beautify skins for everything on Windows. Perhaps if the tiles on the Metro display had more depth to them, perhaps the look of floating over the Metro display with more shadows and stuff, maybe I would find it more pleasing. But it just looks like a wall full of plain tiles, not even shinny looking. But this is just me, the concept itself is interesting and will definitely take some time to get use to on a PC with no touch screen.
I did like how the regular explorer screen looked, more polished, brighter and the ribbon was better than I expected.