Published on September 20, 2010 By Island Dog In Politics

One of the people the left hates the most is Andrew Brietbart.  Why?  Well because he exposes their nonsense and calls out the media for their bias.  At a recent Glenn Beck rally, the usual group of union-backed protestors showed up organized by the democrats.

As with all these people, they have nothing to stand on except their media talking points and whatever the DNC prints out for them that day.  The usual.....racism, hate, etc.

Andrew Brietbart showed up and confronted them, and when asked to prove or name one example of what they were protesting, they packed up and left because they are frauds.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 21, 2010

Just ask swing voters why they voted for Obama rather than McCain. You will find that it often was because of the VP candidate he chose.

Well it would be hard to find one now that would honestly say what they voted for was the "hope and change", I imagine Palin is a convenient excuse as any. What is the confidence level with Joe Biden? No doubt some of the liberal left wing feminist rhetoric took. There were polls at the time that showed Palin helped the McCain who to believe??? The Dems or your own lying eyes? We only had the word of the "generally pleased with her performance" Alaskans to guide us for the most part.

on Sep 21, 2010

Remember the Sherrod case?

I saw the video Breitbart provided and the full video. I also read what he wrote about what happened and then what really happened.

He lied.

I saw what Brietbart was given. One must ask if he was provided the tape in it's entire. Or did the NAACP just give it to him, and forget about it all prior to throwing Sherod under the bus? After all it was their tape. So why would Brietbart show a portion of a tape that the NAACP could quickly dispel? Questions, questions. Of course it is far easier to label him a liar and move on. Just gotta wonder why the left isn't trying to make more hay (against AB at the very least) out of it than they did/are.

on Sep 21, 2010

Of course the left fears Palin.  Just look at how far and how they go to attack her.  Or is that just normal behavior for the left these days?


on Sep 21, 2010

Of course the left fears Palin.

No, they don't.


Just look at how far and how they go to attack her.  Or is that just normal behavior for the left these days?

She is an easy target.

If the GOP had other prominent leaders, the left would find it more difficult to attack them and it would cost them votes.


on Sep 21, 2010

Remember the Sherrod case?

I saw the video Breitbart provided and the full video. I also read what he wrote about what happened and then what really happened.

He lied.

I knew that is what you were thinking.  it was a sucker question.  And you are wrong.  He did not create the video (he posted it), and his criticism was mostly about the NAACP for 2 reasons - one applauding it when she said she was denying the farmer her full support and 2 the NAACP for knee jerking when they had the FULL video!

He did not lie.  The video (I blogged about it, care to read what I wrote?) was not a damning of Sherod so much as it was about the NAACP.  That was my point, that was and is his point and posting an outtake of a video is not a lie.  At best, if he had edited the video, he would be guilty of taking it out of context.

So why are you so quick to call him a liar when he is not?  And I have yet to see you condemn media Matters or for doing the exact same thing - but they did the editing.

No, you are assuming that I have no contact with American left-wingers. In fact because of where I work most Americans I know are left-wingers and Obama supporters. You, my friend, are one of the few right-wing Americans I know.

Left-wingers, American such, do NOT fear Sarah Palin.

The sooner you will all accept that, the better.

me thinks they doth protest too much - you can accept what they say at face value, but they are lying to you.  And you just do not know them well enough to spot the difference.  Again, I laugh at Jimmy Carter - how many railings do you see from me about him?  That is because I do not fear him.  But I do not obsess about him either as the left does Palin.

Her ticket ran against his ticket. Palin supporters obviously voted for McCain/Palin rather than Obama.

No they did not. I did not.  And I was not alone.  I do not vote FOR the #2 spot.  Unless you have inside information on an assassination, it is a stupid thing to do.


on Sep 21, 2010

She is an easy target.

If the GOP had other prominent leaders, the left would find it more difficult to attack them and it would cost them votes.

yes, if you are misogynist.  Which the liberals are.  But if you go on her statements and positions, show me how she is so much different than say John Boehner.  Or Mitch McConnell?

Unless you are going to go misogynist on us, you will not be able to.  you can disagree with her positions, but the only way you can "attack" her as the left has is if:

#1: you hate women

#2: You fear her

Your choice.

on Sep 21, 2010

As a side note unrelated to the topic, Leauki's posts tend to grate on my nerves. Someone like KB or the Lutheran have clear-cut beliefs, ID and Doc seem to have core beliefs as well, and I tend to agree with Doc and ID because their beliefs are generally similar to mine, but Leauki doesn't seem to have this problem. He is above the fray and writes his opinions from way up high from the sobriety of a centrist who isn't about to get in the mud with us right wing nutjobs or left wing moonbats. That holier than thou pompous BS annoys me.

on Sep 21, 2010

That holier than thou pompous BS annoys me.

Ah, Tony I think it's more of an outsider looking into a different world. Europe is a far different place than Americans think (Not your grandfathers Europe). I just saw a piece where Obama polls in the 80's over their. They love him. IMO it's because he knocks America down a peg or two in their eyes. They don't want the US to go away (just in case they need us), but there is a bit of envy. Now that's just my opinion.

I like when our foreign friends comment. It's a good gage of their perception of us, but I do realize they are at the mercy of what the international press feeds them, since they are not immersed into our world as we are (the same for us in theirs). How many real, US style, conservatives from outside do you see here on JU? If this this site were an indicator I would say none exist, lol. My experience tells me if we had some Eastern Europeans we would see views more in line with US conservatives.

It can be frustrating, kind of like describing "red" to a person blind from birth. But that goes both ways. While there is foreign policy discussions here, there is little discussion on foreign politics. Why because for the most part Americans are generally uninterested (for good or bad), especially conservatives as we have a "to each his own attitude". US Liberals are more inclined to tell you how to fix your country especially if they don't live there (or even visited). So I'm glad people like Leauki comment, I learn some thing and hope they do too.

on Sep 22, 2010

Ok. I see this is one of the times where I should withdraw from JU for a few months or years. The personal attacks have started. I like not to get into that sort of thing.

Thank you Nitro for your explanations.

Let me just say that I don't even have television, do not watch the news a lot, rarely read anything the mass media produce and, as you can see on my own links page, the only American professional news outlet I frequent is Fox news.

Most of what I know about American politics comes simply from Americans I meet and talk to, not the mass media. Even Doc has occasionally stated that I seem to understand American politics well (at least when I agree with him).

As for eastern Europeans, I know my share of those. There are hundreds of thousands of them here in Dublin and most Jews I meet in Germany are from Russia (as are many of my friends in Israel). I can also converse in Polish to an extent. I can tell you that their conservative views are more like Bush's and McCain's, not Palin's and Paul's.

I have become more active on facebook anyway.


on Sep 22, 2010

 I don't see that it was a personal attack, continue to write what you write I don't care. 

on Sep 22, 2010

Anthony R
As a side note unrelated to the topic, Leauki's posts tend to grate on my nerves. Someone like KB or the Lutheran have clear-cut beliefs, ID and Doc seem to have core beliefs as well, and I tend to agree with Doc and ID because their beliefs are generally similar to mine, but Leauki doesn't seem to have this problem. He is above the fray and writes his opinions from way up high from the sobriety of a centrist who isn't about to get in the mud with us right wing nutjobs or left wing moonbats. That holier than thou pompous BS annoys me.

I disagree - and greatly respect Leauki.  But he does have one thing the rest of those you mention do not.  The luxury of being able to look at the situation without worrying about the consequences.  He is after all a German living in Ireland (Guess there were not enough red heads in Berlin ).

I find him to be one of the most informed people about American politics in general, even among Americans.  We agree on some and disagree on some.  But he does have clear cut beliefs.  They are just not easily pigeon holed in the American system.  He is a Bush/Clinton (bill) centrist, not an Obama leftist or a Palin rightist.  But since his exposure is to European politics, he sees that as being right of center instead of center. (he thinks Obama is center).

on Sep 22, 2010

I just saw a piece where Obama polls in the 80's over their. They love him.

They have the advantage of not having to live with his disastrous policies, and indeed get some benefit from them as his "stimulus" benefited European banks more than American ones.

I love Merkel, but then I do not have to live under her rules.

on Sep 22, 2010

Even Doc has occasionally stated that I seem to understand American politics well (at least when I agree with him).

I still think you do - I just do not think you know American Liberals as well as you think you do.  You have anecdotal information on them, but not the day to day living with them that breeds familiarity.

As someone said - if 2 people always agree on everything, one is not needed.  We will never agree on everything, and I am grateful for that.  But I do not think you should leave.  No one is attacking "you", but your opinions do come under fire for being different.  That is how it works.  Mine are under fire all the time as well, but I defend them with the best of them.

Our current disagreement is even tame by comparison to our last Spring disagreement on Hillary.  I am not sure why the sensitivity now.  it is election year, and worse than 08.  In 08 at least we could vote for or against someone.  Now, most Americans are impotently standing by while their fellows vote for or against someone - that if enough someones vote one way, will change the government for at least the next 2 years.  So tempers will be hotter than in 08.  But I have detected no personal attacks on you, and even Tony's criticism is just saying he does not like your writing style, not you in particular.

on Sep 22, 2010

Tony's criticism is just saying he does not like your writing style, not you in particular.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to run the guy out of here, I just find his beliefs difficult to gauge sometimes. I don't know why it was viewed as personal when I don't even dislike him. There's a few people here that I do dislike and I doubt I would even take the time to read the stuff they write anymore.

on Oct 03, 2010

very nice video...

and amazing how hateful those "anti-hate" protesters are... and just how many of them seem to think it is appropriate to call someone a homosexual as a slur because you disagree with him.

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