This is a great story showing two rallies, one left and one right, and the stark differences between them.
These are just two examples, click the link for the entire article.
Ooops, I did completely fall for that "Tea Bag" being the correct title. That was unintentional.
That's fine, that's why I like the comprehensive photo galleries covering a specific event. Lots of overlapping photos of demonstrators make them hard to fake or even the origin. Activists know that most will be going to google images, so a one off doctored photo is easy to disseminate.
How many conservatives attend these events? I must be missing out on the conservative peace movement, possibly because I believe (and think most conservatives believe) in peace through strength. You're welcome to prove me wrong. I do believe some Independents might attend, but even Independents lean right and left on most issues.
It might not be the name of an actual type of rally (I'd give you that) but if everyone at a rally leans left, that makes them a leftist in my opinion. If there was a Satanic ritual, would it be wrong to assume the people in attendance are devil worshipers? Yet I have heard people say things like hey did you hear that big Devil Worshiping meeting the other night. I have heard Tea Parties described as "conservative gatherings" whether or not that is completely true (I hear Dems and Independents show up as well) that term is fine by me. If one considers leftist to be a disparaging term, then I can see the concern.
Yes. The title is not "leftist rally", it is merely a descriptor of the attendees.