Published on January 4, 2010 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

We are back!  It was a great holiday break but we are excited to be back and make 2010 another extraordinary year.  There’s still much to catch up on after the break, and support is back today and will be hard at working addressing any e-mails that came in over the holiday.

With that being said, lets check out some featured picks!

on Jan 04, 2010

Excellent picks! Congrats to the artists!

on Jan 04, 2010
Well deserved picks! I admit to a certain bias in my number one choice, though!
on Jan 04, 2010
Excellent picks  
on Jan 04, 2010
Congrats to every one featured here...I am however +a little concerned about the art noveau icons from pepau...he claims he "borrowed" artwork from someone else with no mention of permission... If in fact this is true, this is the second feature by WC where the featured artist clearly states he took the work from someone else without permission...whats the deal?