Show what you got.
Philly - I'm on a 7MB/s plan with Qwest. It averages 4 to 5 MB/s on this PC but I'm connected wirelessly.
@ #32
Jafo, your Telstra speed is somewhat better than mine, what package do you have? Mine's 25gb per month @ 1500/256 ADSL1.
I'm also wondering if there's a speed difference between the Brisbane and Melbourne servers??
Still, Telstra is getting the flick come Feb 3rd... it refuses to compete with other ISP's on many levels and I'm sick to the back teeth of ringing only to get a 20 min fight with its automated answering service prior to being switched to the area I want/need: often times to be cut off and having to go though the entire rigmarol all over again.
Link doesn't go anywhere...returns a 'Not Found' error.
You might want to speak with comcast about that. It is terrible, and it might be the fault of your router.
You should have them replace the router to see if it fixes things, because no cable modem should be that slow.
Another possibility is that you have multiple firewalls and/or virus programs running. If that is the case, reduce them.
One test you could make is to disable all virus and firewall software and try the test again. That should let you know if it is your software or router that is to blame.
I get 3 megs down and 784 up.
I pay $29.99 a month from Surewest.
On wifi @ home.
I did not know routers can suport that high of a speed HG.
wifi G band should go up to ~50 Mbps
depending on prevailing conditions of corse.
Wow...think of all the pizza he can download!
It is the router, which, unfortunately, is something that Comcast doesn't provide, otherwise we would have bought a new one a long time ago. Our router is something like 8ish years old But today our new router is supposed to come (thank you Amazon black friday deals!) After that gets all set up, I'll run the test again and see what the speeds are like.
all i can say is ...notice u dont see 1 aussie p;layers speed test...why cause we got worse internet then 3rd world countries...considering i pay 129 a month for unlimited and unlimited home fone to any mobile and landline in aus... sounds great but when u see tghe conns ur getting and i live 1 street away from the really really shits me.
agreed. I don't think this test is very accurate.