I guess this is more of the “change you can believe” in, but yet, I don’t think most people believe it yet. 

Obama Justice Department Decision Will Allow Non-Citizens to Register to Vote in Georgia

Decision Bars Georgia From Continuing Voter Verification Process

Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel issued the following statement following the U.S. Department of Justice’s denial of preclearance of Georgia’s voter verification process

Atlanta - “The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections. With this decision, DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ lawyers helped to craft. DOJ’s decision also nullifies the orders of two federal courts directing Georgia to implement the procedure for the 2008 general election. The decision comes seven months after Georgia requested an expedited review of the preclearance submission.

Now it’s no secret democrats don’t like voter ID, it’s their best source of voter fraud allowing illegal immigrants to vote for them in exchange for entitlements.  Now we have a President who has long ties with liberal voter fraud organizations, namely ACORN, that have benefited from federal money, and will use legislation like this across the country to get more votes for their liberal allies.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 08, 2009

perhaps because i still recall when 'assuring that those who vote are truly eligible' meant poll taxes, tests, arbitrary office hours and brute force intended to prevent citizens from ever qualifiying for eligibility status.

KB, my cousin was Roy Wilkins, I doubt you have heard of him but at one time he was Chairman of the NAACP. That was background not bragging. Do your history my friend, who was playing those games you write of? If I remember correctly it was the democrat party in the south, the same party that freely accepts KKK members into their ranks when it helped keep them in the majority. The purpose of voter registration is to ensure that every American has the ability to exercise their right to vote. My wife is a naturalized citizen but my daughter is not so only one of the two can vote. There is a reason we have those laws, yes laws! The same type of laws that say non-citizens are not allowed to contribute to a candidate. ACORN is under indictment in 17 states for voter fraud. This news comes to you via the right wing media, New York Times. We have people that want to be elected and they don't care how. The rules are in place so it is fair for all. You have to check a box that says under penalty of perjury you affirm that you are a legal citizen of the United States.

Please don't tell me you have not seen results of election fraud, the 125% of the registered voters voting in a county. The dead voting in Chicago, that famous phrase, vote early and vote often.

The cynical phrases "Vote early -- and often" and "Vote early -- and vote often" are variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.

People are still registered to vote that are dead, ACORN was getting people to register as many as seven times with different addresses so they could vote as many times as they could for their candidate. The rule is one person one vote. How about the 2000 election when a democrat was caught in Miami with a voting machine and blank ballots in his trunk? Seattle July 2007 Felony charges filed against 7 in state's biggest case of voter-registration fraud.

New York Times May 5 2009 Acorn submitted 91,002 completed forms in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, of which 23,186 turned out to be valid new voters who voted in November, according to data provided by Mr. Miller’s office.

Mr. Miller investigated Acorn at the behest of the Clark County registrar of voters, Larry Lomax, who noted a high number of forms turned in featuring the names of famous football players and cartoon characters.

You say you are well informed yet you never heard of any of this? If a person is elected fairly then I support that winner until they are out of office no matter which party they belong, if I believe they won by cheating then I want them out of office.

on Jul 08, 2009

ACORN is under indictment in 17 states for voter fraud

The congressional investigation against them was just dropped, the congressman in charge of the investigating commitee said "the order came from the top".

on Jul 08, 2009

The congressional investigation against them was just dropped, the congressman in charge of the investigating commitee said "the order came from the top".

the top of what? The news article stated that Mr. Conyers from Mi asked for the investigation and later changed his mind. There is no record of it going any further than that.

on Jul 08, 2009

The congressional investigation against them was just dropped, the congressman in charge of the investigating commitee said "the order came from the top".

Love those Chicago styled politics. Did anyone really expect an angel to emerge from the land of gangsters? Many politicians are shady, but when one elects a person from a place that is renown for its corruption and back-door deals what should one expect?

on Jul 08, 2009

Many politicians are shady, but when one elects a person from a place that is renown for its corruption and back-door deals what should one expect?

I expected exactly what we got. How is that hope and change working for you?

on Jul 09, 2009

Also the department of justice has ordered the case against black panthers who intimidated white voters dropped... AFTER their conviction.

on Jul 09, 2009

Also the department of justice has ordered the case against black panthers who intimidated white voters dropped... AFTER their conviction.

So does this mean you are not hoping for change?

on Jul 09, 2009

I am SEEING change... change to the worse, change I have seen before in other countries.

I didn't vote for him, but I didn't realize he was THAT bad (although I figured he was pretty bad), but all my hope was dashed earlier in his presidency...

The president's real power is:

1. Commander in cheif.

2. Figurehead and maybe leader of his political party in congress (only matters if they are in power and support him)

Obama is a weak man who lives in fantasy and our enemies see him as such, he is terrible as the commander in cheif, all he does is weaken our defenses. he is also not loyal to our ideals of freedom and democracy.

As for figurehead, he actually succeeds in this greatly, he is a demagogue, great at aquiring support from the sheeple. And a democratic congress is going along with his every whim, it is THEIR job to write laws, yet they pass laws he just springs on them without having possible had enough time to even READ what they are signing. They are giving him a blank check by just voting yes on everything he desires instead of doing their own damn jobs.

on Jul 10, 2009

my cousin was Roy Wilkins,

you've made that claim in the past.

I doubt you have heard of him

lil bit presumptious on your part, no?  hell, i mighta heard about a whole lotta people douglass to dubois to little to lewis and jordan.

at one time he was Chairman of the NAACP.


That was background not bragging.

i dunno what it was, but i'm hoping for your sake, you're not trying to suggest that roy wilkins would support georgia republicans' use of hysterical fear-mongering to promote policy that's as flawed as it is unnecessary at risk of disenfranchising and discouraging voters of that state.

who was playing those games you write of? If I remember correctly it was the democrat party in the south,

if i remember correctly, it was democrats truman and humphery who took on the racists in their own party in their efforts to end american apartheid.  democrat lyndon johnson who--no matter his other failings--was the driving force behind the 1964 civil rights acts.  and it was nixon who courted thurmond to make the republican party a welcome place for racism and reagan who confirmed it by his speech in philadelphia mississippi. 

on Jul 11, 2009

i dunno what it was, but i'm hoping for your sake, you're not trying to suggest that roy wilkins would support georgia republicans' use of hysterical fear-mongering to promote policy that's as flawed as it is unnecessary at risk of disenfranchising and discouraging voters of that state.

Not at all. I am saying it out right! Because it is not fear mongering. There are genuine issues with voter fraud and this policy might help limit it. The only people allowed to vote are American citizens and only some of them not all of them. In some states if you are a felon you lose your right to vote. Purging the voter rolls of felons and non-citizens would be a good thing if we could do it nation wide. I have seen illegal immigrants with drivers licenses, and voters registration and Mexican consulate ID. Do those people vote in our elections? I don’t' know, but the potential is there. ACORN gets people registered to vote but who does the voting? Clear the decks to make the elections fair and honest. What is wrong with that?

You see, Mr. Wilkins was a former republican and would be again today because of the trash pulled by the liberals in the democrat party. They seem to only want a win and power that goes with the win, They have not done anything for colored people except pay lip service and we have 60 years of proof to back it up.

The direction this country take is based on who we elect, they take that margin of victory as a mandate for their beliefs and policies. If you believe in man made global warming and that we should destroy our economy in order to reduce this warming by .006 of a degree over the next 100 years then you are in the minority. But those are the people in power today and they are making laws to make it happen. Cap and Trade has passed the Congress, the results will be five dollar a gallon gasoline. The price of food will go through the roof because of it. Jobs will be lost because of it and no sane person agrees with it. If it becomes law we are going to be worse off than we are today. Possibly because of voter fraud. Mr. Obama won the election partially because of fraud. When you have 105% of registered voters voting in a county there is fraud. You can not have more people voting than you have registered voters but some how this was ignored.

on Jul 11, 2009

if i remember correctly, it was democrats truman and humphery who took on the racists in their own party in their efforts to end american apartheid. democrat lyndon johnson who--no matter his other failings--was the driving force behind the 1964 civil rights acts. and it was nixon who courted thurmond to make the republican party a welcome place for racism and reagan who confirmed it by his speech in philadelphia mississippi.

Yes, most of that is completely true. Mr. Truman was a member of the KKk, yet he publically fought against racism. Mr. Johnson was part of the southern democrats that supported racism and when Mr. Kennedy died he made it his goal to get all the policies passed the Mr. Kennedy could not. Keep in mind that the Democrats held the majority in the Congress both houses, yet he needed the republicans to get it passed even with all the arm twisting he did on his side of the isle. Democrats held the majority in both houses until Mr. Reagan’s second term in office. Republicans held a slim majority for 12 years and then they blew it. Senator Thurmond left the democrat party because it was not racist enough for him and he started a third party. Lost badly and came back as a republican. His racism was okay as a democrat, he had to renounce racism to get into the Republican Party and then all of a sudden the democrats noticed he was a racist. Yet, Senator Byrd has not been forced to renounce racism to stay in the democrat party. He is considered an honored statesman. Why is that? No matter that he was a high ranking official of the KKK, and any steps away from the KKK until its demise was done with a wink and a nod. So after 48 years of making laws in this country what have the democrats done for civil rights? They could not pass the civil rights act of 1864 oh wait that was the last time there was a republican majority. 100 years later they passed the civil rights act of 1964 but only because of the republicans. Funny how you missed that part of it.

on Jul 11, 2009

Oh, and I will repeat. Up until the 1980's you could not be elected in the South unless you were a democrat and a member in good standing of the KKK.

on Jul 11, 2009

I thought the person most celebrated for the civil rights movement was marthin luthar king... who was a republican fight against the democrats and their aparthide laws.

To call members of the KKK the force behind the civil rights movement is both absurd and insulting. 

on Jul 11, 2009

To call members of the KKK the force behind the civil rights movement is both absurd and insulting.

We are talking about politics, a politician will go whichever way the political winds blow. When the tide changed so did the politicians. The KKK was a means for power so they were pro segragation in the late 70's that changed and so did they. Republicans were not as a group pro racism. Though there was an Illinoise governor that was a republican and a member of the KKK but he went to jail for attempted murder or murder (can't remember which) of his mistress. When family values became an issue then democrats were pro family values and religion in 2005. When that did not work to peal off some conservatives they stopped telling that lie and went back to paying lip service to blacks and then Hispanics.It is whatever will get them elected. That is their core belief.

on Jul 14, 2009

Mr. Wilkins was a former republican and would be again today

it's purely speculation, of course, but wilkins was an intelligent man and certainly musta had cogent reasons for switching parties; in light of the republican party's shameful southern strategy (which was nothing short of employing racists like thurmond to draw in his constituency of hate-based voters) i sincerely doubt he'd have jumped back today.

a politician will go whichever way the political winds blow. When the tide changed so did the politicians. The KKK was a means for power so they were pro segragation in the late 70's that changed and so did they

that last sentence is so ridiculously ambiguous, it's impossible to determine who "they" are.   either way, you've pretty much summed up the rationale for nixon's southern strategy and offered a very accurate explanation as to how and why the party of lincoln became the party of lincoln rockwell.

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