Published on May 22, 2009 By Island Dog In PC Gaming

The 50% off Demigod coupon for friends is starting to be mailed out.  If you haven’t received one yet, just keep an eye on your inbox as they don’t all go out at once.  Coupons are being sent out to Demigod customers who ordered before May 18th, in which they can give to their friends to purchase Demigod via Impulse.

See more info here:

A number of you have asked how to get in touch with others who could use a code to purchase Demigod, and I wanted to setup a thread where people can offer up codes in which they would like to give out.  Remember, these codes will only be valid until next week, so don’t hesitate.

If you have a code you wish to offer, just make a post about it and make sure to post when the code has been used.  These are unique codes, so there isn’t much use in posting the code itself.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 22, 2009

I'd love to get a coupon aswell, should anyone have a spare

on May 22, 2009

First PM to me gets mine. None of my friends are cool enough to want Demigod.

on May 22, 2009

It's gone. I'd use the edit button, but for some reason it's taking forever and a day to go to the edit screen. So my code is now gone.

on May 22, 2009

Got one now!  Thanks!

on May 22, 2009


just a point i'd like to make. any chance of extending the date so it's at least valid past the next pay day. tough times and all that.

on May 22, 2009

Any chance of a code sending my way?  I saw this game was finally released and it would be a great buy at 50% off.


on May 22, 2009

I have a few friends who want the game, if anyone can spare a code please PM, it would be much appreciated.

on May 22, 2009

First one to PM me gets a coupon, my friends aren't going to play Demigod and it would be a pitty to let it waste if there's people willing to use it.

on May 22, 2009

I have a code I'm not going to use. PM me if interested.

EDIT: It's gone.

on May 22, 2009

Could someone please email me a code, I'm not sure how to send PM's here.

on May 22, 2009

If theres a coupon someone could spare i would be grateful if you could pm is to me.

Thank you so much in advance.


on May 22, 2009

Looking for some coupon love; PM me! Thanks!

Edit: Thanks Kend0!

on May 22, 2009

Anyone still got a code to spare? PM me, thanks!

on May 22, 2009

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla auctor ultrices tortor sit amet cursus. Vivamus maGna velit, gravida nec tristique egestas, pretium non mauris. Vivamus placerat luctus Fermentum. In hac habitasse pLatea dictumst. Quisque volutpat nulla quis ipsum congue pharetra. Donec quis doloR libero. Nullam ut risus diam. Class aptEnt taciti sociosQu ad litora torquent per conubia noStra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam aliquam ipsum non eroS egestas rutrum. In libero libero, egestas Congue placerat nec, semper nec nibh. Proin viverra liGula vitae puRus sodales et facilisis lacus convallIs. Donec pretium pharetra dolor, ac auctor massa accumsan quis. Vivamus placerat luctus fermentum. Nulla mattis ante mOllis mi tempus malesuada.

on May 22, 2009

Kend0 than You.

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