Published on May 22, 2009 By Island Dog In PC Gaming

The 50% off Demigod coupon for friends is starting to be mailed out.  If you haven’t received one yet, just keep an eye on your inbox as they don’t all go out at once.  Coupons are being sent out to Demigod customers who ordered before May 18th, in which they can give to their friends to purchase Demigod via Impulse.

See more info here:

A number of you have asked how to get in touch with others who could use a code to purchase Demigod, and I wanted to setup a thread where people can offer up codes in which they would like to give out.  Remember, these codes will only be valid until next week, so don’t hesitate.

If you have a code you wish to offer, just make a post about it and make sure to post when the code has been used.  These are unique codes, so there isn’t much use in posting the code itself.

Comments (Page 14)
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on May 27, 2009

If you look in the JPEG, at the Oak's Right Ankle in the lower left hand corner, you can see the code written in the stone in the background.

on May 27, 2009

anybody else gots a code, I need one as well >.<

on May 27, 2009

I'll trade someone a Parabellum closed beta key (and download link) for a 50% coupon . PM me!

on May 27, 2009

I'm a long-time Dota player looking to pick-up Demigod. I've watched a lot of HD youtube videos of DG matches and it looks like a fun game. If anyone has a coupon that they would give to me I would be very grateful!

on May 27, 2009

Anyone have a spare coupon? PM me

on May 27, 2009

thanks traded my rs acouunt to habeansha for a coupon

on May 28, 2009

anyone else?

on May 28, 2009

Hi everyone!! I would LOVE to get my hands on a 50% coupon please if any are left! I just played the game the other day and LOVE it! Im not rich like my friends "Student" and would love if anyone had one left! or knew of someone that does and could give me there info! I love DOTA and love this game and I dont know what else to say other then I would really appreciat a 50% coupon if one is left please get back to me anyone who can help! thanks!!


on May 28, 2009



P.S.  Don't forget to give Karma for the codes.

on May 28, 2009

Damn says coupon dosent work  thanks tho I did give you karma! Please does anyone else have a working one? would love to play with my friends if there is any left!! thanks for helping so far Sammual!


please email or PM if yo have a free one!! Ill try to check the forms every 30 min! thanks!

on May 28, 2009

hey, I am looking for a code if anyone has one left.  My email is if you want to email me it.  Thanks!!

on May 28, 2009

Got my code from somewhere else, so no need for anyone to send me one.


See you all in game!

on May 28, 2009

 Original post not important anymore ^^

on May 28, 2009

I tried passing my code off to someone, but the person claimed that the coupons don't seem to work if you use paypal. He mentioned this after he tried to use it, but it failed to work.

Since I still have a coupon available, I'll offer it to the first person who PM me asking for it.

Edit: I recieved the PM already.

on May 28, 2009

i gave mine away yesterday! 1 more sale of demigod (abit at half price).

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