Published on May 1, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

We haven’t had a community contest in a while, so in thinking about a new idea I realized that This Week in Skinning has been going on for well over two years now.  I also realized that I have no cool icon to show it off with, so what a perfect coincidence!

So for this contest I’m looking for an icon that best represents This Week in Skinning.  Icon must have a 128px and a 256px version that will be used in news postings and promotional content.  Other than that, the design is totally up to you.  We will run the contest until Friday, May 22nd, and announce the winning entry the following week.

You can enter by either posting to this thread, or submitting the icon to the ObjectDock gallery, it just needs to have TWiS in the title.

Prize will be a choice of WC sub/renewal, or Object Desktop standard.

Have fun.

Comments (Page 7)
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on May 16, 2009

Wow, Po'... looks like Winky's getting Naked!

on May 16, 2009
My subscription is almost done.. So.... =D
on May 18, 2009
Friends here I present my ultimate idea, I hope you like it. Represents the creativity on Wincustomize.
400x400 256x256
on May 18, 2009
Nice btw, your sizes are wrong
on May 18, 2009

I am simply amazed.  I did not expect this many entries, and I'm going to have to come up with a poll or something to help.  There are just too many great ones here. 


on May 19, 2009
Hehe, It's very very hard to choose the winner, great entries, I feel that I can lose, but only I want see the results soon.
on May 19, 2009

Some simple TWiS icons:

Carbon TWiS:



on May 19, 2009
Well the right sizes:
256x256 128x128
on May 19, 2009
i meant that the bigger one should have been x400 and the smaller one x256 but its ok, i dont rly care
on May 20, 2009

nice icons libardo ..... here is my entry ....

on May 20, 2009


on May 20, 2009

WOW! Please extend the finish date for TWIS. These guys n gals are just beginning to move up through the gears

on May 21, 2009

Alright, I'm going to lock this thread around 12pm EST tomorrow (Friday).  Last chance!

on May 21, 2009

I know they won't win, but how often do I get an open invitation/excuse to do this?









on May 21, 2009
^^^^^^ haha. Nice Po'! I really love the one by mindless puppet. The news anchor idea is gold.
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