Current Object Desktop subscribers now have access to the latest MyColors premium skin called ‘Ankh’.   This smooth theme includes a complete visual style for Windows XP and Vista with a real “ancient” Egyptian feel.  Also included is a pack of icons that have some amazing detail.

If you are an Object Desktop subscriber, you will find this MyColors theme available in the My Software area of Impulse.  If you don’t have Impulse installed already, you can get it from here.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 01, 2009

While it is very nice, for me, it's like all the other MyColors themes. I use it for about an hour then switch back to my own.

on May 01, 2009

The Ankh itself looks odd to me. It uses a gold that hasn't been seen on the theme and looks rendered and more like a clay sculpture (the way its uneven) than a symbol of power. It also doesn't have the same crisp and clean look that the theme has so to me it looks out of place.

Yes, the whirling ankh needs to be fixed - maybe shape like a real ankh - but other than that, this is my absolute favorite My Color.

This is a matter of taste, as I alluded to previously. I prefer the more traditional Ankh, but that's only my taste. The only real time I'd use the theme is around Passover...and I'll probably 'shop' Moses onto the wall...from "The Ten Commandments"...scenes of my people "gittin' outta town" while the gittin' was good! 

Overall a beautiful Theme, and my thanks to The Skins Factory (once again) for a gorgeous Media Player Theme (Take a look at Alien, those of you who haven't yet...most stunning wmp skin ever!).

on May 01, 2009

You mean our Alienware Invader Windows Media Player skin.


on May 01, 2009

/shakes head again

Nods in agreement.

on May 01, 2009

Lasse....You did a great job on this skin! And for free at that! 

on May 01, 2009

You mean our Alienware Invader Windows Media Player skin.


Sorry. Correct.


/shakes head again

Nods in agreement.

Y'know? It's only a skin. You like it? Get it. I did. It's a great job...and free at that!

You don't like it. Forget it and move on. What pettiness. No one can reconciate? Really.

on May 01, 2009

You mean our Alienware Invader Windows Media Player skin.

 Best WMP skin ever,imo. Speaking of which,I lost mine in my OS reinstall and now it appears to no longer be available on the TSF site.  The "Download" button is greyed out. Am I just missing it or is it no longer downloadable.  Say it ain't so!

on May 01, 2009

I stopped offering it after Alienware took down our logo off their site

At 50-60 MB I'm not supporting them if they aren't supporting us. Simple economics. I think you can still get it from their site though.

At the risk of sounding like an "arrogant prick" it is by far the best media player ever created. I posted an HD video of it on our YouTube channel. You have to click the HD button to see it and turn up your speakers:

on May 01, 2009

I just wish I knew what was causing the "all white taskbar" on my Vista machine.

Other than that, it's very well done.

Oh, and what's the deal with the "taskbarhorzcrack.tga"?

on May 01, 2009


At the risk of sounding like an "arrogant prick" it is by far the best media player ever created. I posted an HD video of it on our YouTube channel. You have to click the HD button to see it and turn up your speakers:

That was pretty impressive, Jeff.  I have a question about TSF skins.  Do you have anything a little more...elegant? Not necessarily girly, but a touch on the feminine side?  Everything I've seen so far would really appeal to a guys guy, or even my daughter who is a guys' kind of girl (loves the idea of outer space, plays a lot of video games, football games, fishing, etc.), but I'm more of a traditional lady and like things a little bit more on the "pretty" side...doesn't all have to be girly, but a little less "left brain."  Example would be Stardock's Dragon theme (not exactly feminine, but there is that lovely Emerald start button.)  I'd hate to have to wait until you're daughter grew up and took over the company before I experienced Hyperdesk.

on May 01, 2009

We've often addressed the female gender in our themes.


The Bionic Dot had a pink and purple skin:

The Need for Speed has a pink one too:

There are others.


For Hyperdesk we started out with what we knew would be popular on a broader scale but we're definitely going to start doing some that are more for both genders. I guess theme wise WALL-E's EVE theme is fairly gender neutral: 


Solar Flare could go either way:

We're going to work on it though. We've talked about doing DarkMatter in pink, silver and black

on May 01, 2009
screenshot looks like a fine only niggle is the text shadowing on the titlebar. Best my colors skin I have seen in a wile. (I wouldnt know ankh from an ankle bracelet so I have no opinion on that)
on May 01, 2009
So have we decided who has the biggest.....brush.....yet. 

on May 01, 2009

Island Dog
So have we decided who has the biggest.....brush.....yet. 

For my purposes and at the present time, Stardock.  More skins, more diversity in style, MOST of the time there's the option of personalizing/customizing/altering (with the exception of encrypted skins...I know, I'm a big cry baby, but I'm new at skinning, and there is nothing for me to learn from encrypted skins), and there's this wonderful group of skinners to help me along the learning journey.

TSF has outstanding skins for the market demographic they are catering to.  I just don't happen to be in that demographic (I'm a middle-aged female dork, not a young male geek).

on May 01, 2009
"So have we decided who....."    Only thing I know for sure is "It ain't me babe, no no no, it ain't me babe..."  
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