Published on April 3, 2009 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

As you might have heard, social networks have really taken off, and only continue to grow.  We recently talked about our presence on Twitter, and today I wanted to share some links to our pages on Facebook.

Facebook has “fan” pages where companies, products, or services can create a page similar to what an individual can do.  We have several pages, and our Sins of a Solar Empire page has over 1200 fans!

If you have a Facebook account, all you have to do is click “become a fan” on the pages below and join our network.  You can also help contribute by submitting news links, images, videos, etc.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 04, 2009

I believe this thread is intended for those interested - not for those not interested...


Im just kidding snowman im sure there is fun to be had at facebook and other social networks.... it just not for me

on Apr 04, 2009

Here's a group I setup - I Love Frogboy - there are links to the threads that explain why...

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