I have been watching this nonsense unfold all day, and it has been really funny in some ways. All this fake outrage started when people saw that AIG executives received bonuses that were contractually owed to them, and allowed in Obama’s “stimulus” plan. The White House won’t give specifics on how or when exactly Obama learned about these bonuses, but today’s “outrage” looks pretty staged to me.
All day we have politicians, mostly democrats, say some outrageous things like the AIG executives should commit suicide because of what they did. Wow. I mean, they seem to go out of their way demanding justice and trials for islamic terrorists, but an American business executive doesn’t even get that. Talk about screwed up priorities. And it wouldn’t be complete without Chuck Schumer going on about taxing them 100%, which is what they want to do to income anyways, so what’s really the issue here?
This all really comes down to one thing. This is what happens when government gets involved in bailouts and other nonsense as they have been doing. This won’t be the last of it either, expect more of this, and expect democrats to use it as an excuse to put even more restrictions on businesses, whether they received bailout money or not.
Obama shouldn’t be outraged either. I mean he received over $100,000 in bonuses, I mean political buyouts during the campaign. Will he be taxed 100%? Will he return the money? Of course not, who will dare question Obama and his associations?