Take a look
Published on March 5, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

Lets take a trip back in time and see what was popular just 3 years ago.  The funny thing is, some things never really go “out of style”, as many skins I use not always “new”.  I didn’t pick a specific gallery this time, I just wanted to go through some random skins that were hot a few years back.

Any of these skins ring a bell?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 06, 2009
There are some old skins that I really love and wish they were updated to support the latest features. ChaNinja and GT3OS are definitely on that list.
on Mar 06, 2009
what's up with having 367 pages of Windowblinds skins, and not having a function "go to page"??.....it's impossible to see/browse to the skins burried in the middle of the que'....rediculous, and not really fair to some of those great skins.
It would also be nice if you could sort/view skins by version of WB supported, whether it supports XP or Vista and level of completion; i.e. some skins are very minimal in features and others are fully loaded.
on Mar 06, 2009

old is gOLD

on Mar 06, 2009

Some old skins still have some good life left in them...I'm using a WB right now that dosnt even have perpixel frames.

on Mar 06, 2009

This is all great, but something I've been meaning to ask for the last 3-4 years, is this....what's up with having 367 pages of Windowblinds skins, and not having a function "go to page"??.....it's impossible to see/browse to the skins burried in the middle of the que'....rediculous, and not really fair to some of those great skins. Kodiak-


example address bar...... https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?libid=1&p=2

change the last number to the page number you would like to go to.......not too difficult

if you just entered the gallery you'll have to add the &p= as well

on Mar 06, 2009

My favorite back then was wire and glass by PaulEric. Awesome blind.

Thanks again Paul

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