Do you ever not feel safe knowing there is a correctional facility nearby?  Well if democrats have their way you also have to worry about islamic terrorists being housed there as well. 

First up, we have the liar Jack Murtha more than willing to house them in his district in PA.

“A top House Democrat who is a leading critic of the Iraq war says he would have no qualms about transferring Guantanamo detainees to a prison in his Pennsylvania district.

Suspected terrorists at the military's detention center in Cuba are "no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo," Rep. John Murtha told Fox News on Wednesday.”

That prompted another democrats to come out in support.

“DENVER - Gov. Bill Ritter supports the idea of bringing terror suspects to Colorado to be housed at the federal Supermax prison in Florence.”

This is just the beginning folks.  Just wait until all the trial lawyers have the opportunity to defend the jihadists.  You get what you vote for.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 23, 2009

I hear the Lincoln bedroom is available.  I am sure a couple would love to spend their time there - but then it may be construed as torture.

on Jan 25, 2009

Murtha (Focker) keeps slapping West Pennsylvanians in the face and they keep voting him in. They deserve him.

on Jan 25, 2009

Unless the US is miraculously able to avoid any 'home-grown' islamic terrorists, I don't see how putting detainees from guantamino into US jails will suddenly mean that you now have islamic terrorists 'coming to a town near you', since they'd already have been there (you'll just have a few more to add to their ranks). Anyway strange to hear someone effectively criticising people for the opposite of NIMBY - if anything those people should be praised for eschewing the traditional response of 'yes we want the detainees to be housed in the US not guantamino, just not in my back yard'.

on Jan 25, 2009

Gitmo holds two groups of detainees: 1)Innocent and caught up by circumstance/documentation/personal enemies (or whatever): These folks need to go home. 2)Guilty: These folks need one half of a one way plane trip, minus the silk. After a trial.

How to differentiate: Either you've got enough to try them or not. Have a Fedral Judge (or 3 so there won't be a tie vote) review the cases and decide: free or try.

Now, as for the "Soon in a Town Near You". Eye candy to draw people in to read and play in this sandbox. They will not be released in America. Untwist your knickers.

on Jan 25, 2009

They will not be released in America. Untwist your knickers.

How can you be so sure?  Would it surprise you if defense lawyers argued for asylum inside the U.S.?

on Jan 25, 2009

Do you ever not feel safe knowing there is a correctional facility nearby?

Ha! I work in one! Spend 40+ hours a week there and I have for nearly 15 years now matter of fact. But if you could see what I've seen you'd be a little freaked at by who you casually pass walking on the street or stand in line with at the movies in the mall (WITH your wife and kiddies along with you, no less) because there's vastly far worst of our own home growns than any "Jihadist" out there paroled out or on probation (or just plain-jane ain't been caught yet) loose and free like wolves in sheep's clothing not locked up and amongst us.

on Jan 25, 2009

ahhh yes.... and if for some technicality they get released.... guess where they are going... right out the door into the area you live.

on Jan 25, 2009

ahhh yes.... and if for some technicality they get released.... guess where they are going... right out the door into the area you live.

I'm used to it.

on Jan 25, 2009


ahhh yes.... and if for some technicality they get released.... guess where they are going... right out the door into the area you live.
I'm used to it.


well at least you have adapted to the way of life lol....



awww hell... I dont care I dont live by anyplace these guys would want to damage so...."shurgs" I shouldnt care right?

on Jan 25, 2009

awww hell... I dont care I dont live by anyplace these guys would want to damage so...."shurgs" I shouldnt care right?

What I'm trying to say is people should worry about our OWN HOME GROWN MADE IN THE USA criminals more than any foreign born Al-quida whatever terrorist. The thing is there's some REAL sickos and bad guys out there living with us right here right now! And THAT'S what scares me!

on Jan 25, 2009

It's quite irrational how many people actually live in fear of terrorist when you consider your like a thousand times more likely to die in your car than be killed by a terrorist. 

In the US around 350,000 have died in their car since 911, 8 million worldwide.

on Jan 25, 2009


It's quite irrational how many people actually live in fear of terrorist when you consider your like a thousand times more likely to die in your car than be killed by a terrorist.

In the US around 350,000 have died in their car since 911, 8 million worldwide.

Exactly. And people even smoke cigarettes too and do it to themselves!

on Jan 25, 2009


awww hell... I dont care I dont live by anyplace these guys would want to damage so...."shurgs" I shouldnt care right?
What I'm trying to say is people should worry about our OWN HOME GROWN MADE IN THE USA criminals more than any foreign born Al-quida whatever terrorist. The thing is there's some REAL sickos and bad guys out there living with us right here right now! And THAT'S what scares me!


Well i do understand what your saying but why the heck bring MORE here? Might as well paint a bullseye on the side of the building

on Jan 26, 2009

Here's a thought. Were foreign prisoners of war ever locked up with US prisoners? No? Why start now. Aren't US prison systems overcrowded the way it is. As for what constitutes a prisoner of war, if they fired a weapon at US troops on the battlefield, that's good enough for me, the sympathizers can go to hell. 

on Jan 26, 2009

Island Dog
They will not be released in America. Untwist your knickers.
How can you be so sure?  Would it surprise you if defense lawyers argued for asylum inside the U.S.?

Any lawyer arguing that would lose.

How can I be sure? Well, how can I be sure the sun will rise? I can't, but if it doesn't, no problem with the detainees, right?

Try not to worry. It's sort of like paying rent on a house you don't live in. Wait for the right time to get worried and then do something about it.

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