With a short time before the chosen one is inaugurated, democrats which now they now have full government control, are in-fighting about the incredible amount of money that Obama wants to spend on his so-called stimulus package.  It’s hard to keep track of numbers, but last I read it somewhere near the $1 Trillion dollar amount.  Along with this, Obama now claims “he” can create 4 million jobs with this package.

Without a doubt, with democrats in full control we are going to see spending, especially in the social area, skyrocket to levels that would even make the current spender-in-chief jealous.  We are in the middle of a pretty bad recession, and the federal government lead by Obama want to increase government spending on incredible levels.  How this is supposedly supposed to pull us out of a recession is still a mystery, as anybody with a bit of common sense knows that putting us more into debt will only worsen the situation in the long run.

Just today, we see that the Obama inauguration will spend over $150 million for the festivities, the largest in history.  If the economy is so bad (like democrats keep telling us), shouldn’t Obama do the right thing and use that money for something productive other than a party?  What’s funny is that the media criticized Bush in ‘04 for the cost of his inauguration, but somehow they are silent with Obama.  Must be an oversight because the media certainly wouldn’t favor Obama, right?

So let me ask the obvious question here, do you support all this government spending?  If you do, please explain or try to rationalize why you think so.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jan 15, 2009

all you BO lovers just got punked!

BO Lovers?  Body odor?

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