Published on December 15, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

When I read this piece from the AP, I didn’t know whether it was a real story or a propaganda piece from Al Gore.

“WASHINGTON -- When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, global warming was a slow-moving environmental problem that was easy to ignore. Now it is a ticking time bomb that President-elect Barack Obama can't avoid.

Since Clinton's inauguration, summer Arctic sea ice has lost the equivalent of Alaska, California and Texas. The 10 hottest years on record have occurred since Clinton's second inauguration. Global warming is accelerating. Time is close to running out, and Obama knows it.”

Is there anything left in journalism?  Does anybody wonder why newspapers and other media outlets are going out of business?

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on Dec 15, 2008

most newspapers are going out of business because they have to compete with the internet, which provides free news, & because of the current state of the economy. As far as the environment goes, it should be obvious that the world is warming up & something must be done. Im not saying that we are the primary cause of it, but we are contributing.

on Dec 15, 2008

most newspapers are going out of business because they have to compete with the internet, which provides free news, & because of the current state of the economy.

If newspapers would provide news that people actually want to read I don't think they would be in the dire straits that they are in right now.  I'm not saying they would be well off, but I don't think they would be struggling as much.

As far as the environment goes, it should be obvious that the world is warming up & something must be done. Im not saying that we are the primary cause of it, but we are contributing.

I don't think anyone denies that global warming is happening.  Where we all tend to differ is in what the ramifications of that are.  I personally see global warming as part of the cyclical nature of weather.  The earth goes through periods of warming and cooling, sometimes those periods are more extreme than others.  This doesn't mean that man has any impact on it and it certainly doesn't mean that man can do anything to stop the cycle.  The earth is not going to die because of man.  The earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, man has been around for a few thousand years and we have only been industrialized for about 150 years.  The earth will survive, man may not, but the earth will.

That all said I still think we should look for more environmentally friendly ways of living, but they also need to be reasonable.  Yes it would be wonderful if we could get all the power we need from the sun and/or wind.  But as of right now that simply isn't feasible so we need to continue to produce energy by the old tried and true methods until those cleaner forms of energy are more reasonable.

on Dec 15, 2008

I don't think anyone denies that global warming is happening.

I'm going to do a Clinton on you - it depends on what you define Global Warming as.  If you define it as some years lately have been warmer, it sure looks that way.  If you define it as an irreversible trend, then no it is not.  Right now, the earth is going through a warming cycle, primarly due to the sun.  That can change in a year, or 10 years or a lot longer (since before hysteria set in, calm rational scientists generally agreed we were still warming from the last glacial era about 10k years ago).

But one thing is certain.  Man's effect on it is not demonstrable, or even evident based on the meager history of the movement and their hysterical claims.

on Dec 15, 2008

I'm going to do a Clinton on you - it depends on what you define Global Warming as. If you define it as some years lately have been warmer, it sure looks that way. If you define it as an irreversible trend, then no it is not.

I should have been more clear.  Rational people won't deny that the earth is currently warming. 

Man-made global warming is simply impossible to prove and anyone who tells you differently is either lieing to you or a nut-job (possibly both).  We simply don't know enough about the earth's history and our potential impact on it.  I'm certainly not saying that man hasn't had any impact, I'm simply saying that the hysteria surrounding global warming is uncalled for.

on Dec 15, 2008

I should have been more clear. Rational people won't deny that the earth is currently warming.

Except for this year.

And, unfortunately, there is little that is rational about the AGW proponents' hysteria: Link


on Dec 15, 2008

I should have been more clear.

Why?  I had fun doing a clinton!

on Dec 15, 2008

Except for this year.

It depends on where you are.  Where I live we have had a relatively mild winter.  Sure we've had more snow so far this year than we did by this time last year but I am fairly sure that we have had warmer overall temps.  For instance even though it snowed here on Friday it was in the 50s yesterday and was into the low 70s here today, yet tonight it is expected to get back to freezing along with some icy conditions.

on Dec 15, 2008

It depends on where you are.

Not really.  2008 has been the coolest year (globally) in a decade.  The alarmists will say it's just an oscillation in 'the' upward trend, but the fact is they don't know.  If 2009 remains cooler, it'll be interesting to see what rationalization they come up with then.

on Dec 16, 2008

Not really. 2008 has been the coolest year (globally) in a decade. The alarmists will say it's just an oscillation in 'the' upward trend, but the fact is they don't know. If 2009 remains cooler, it'll be interesting to see what rationalization they come up with then.

They'll just that it is cooler because of global warming.  You know, ice caps melting causing the oceans to cool which then cause the overall temp to be cooler or some such nonsense.  Maybe Al Gore will start reciting lines from "The Day After Tomorrow" to justify his position.

on Dec 16, 2008

Man's effect on it is not demonstrable, or even evident based on the meager history of the movement and their hysterical claims.
Noah was skeptical,too, until the tide lapped at his feet. Enjoy your stay on the highest mountain top.

The earth will survive, man may not, but the earth will.
Not very comforting.

on Dec 16, 2008

For instance even though it snowed here on Friday it was in the 50s yesterday and was into the low 70s here today, yet tonight it is expected to get back to freezing along with some icy conditions.
You can't justify any position by individuated weather reports.
The alarmists will say it's just an oscillation in 'the' upward trend, but the fact is they don't know.
Tell it to the polar bears.

on Dec 16, 2008

Is there anything left in journalism?
It's doubtful that the AP would print something like this without quoting a source.

on Dec 16, 2008

Noah was skeptical,too, until the tide lapped at his feet. Enjoy your stay on the highest mountain top.

That is cute. Now liberals are injecting religion.

And I would not equate man with God, as we still dont know a wit of what he does.

on Dec 16, 2008

I didn’t know whether it was a real story or a propaganda piece from Al Gore

Out of interest, are you disputing any of the following:

"Since Clinton's inauguration, summer Arctic sea ice has lost the equivalent of Alaska, California and Texas. The 10 hottest years on record have occurred since Clinton's second inauguration"?


2008 has been the coolest year (globally) in a decade.  The alarmists will say it's just an oscillation in 'the' upward trend

So would many statisticians. If you have an upward trend, that doesn't mean you won't have the occasional 'blip' in such a trend. So if you have say 10 years of hot weather (with the overall average temperature increasing) and 1 year of very cool weather, it suggests the trend is hot weather. If you have 10 years of hot weather then 5 years of cool weather, it suggests that you probably don't have that hot trend. If you want to try and deny global warming you're going to have to do better than coming up with one year! A very basic measure would be to just plot the temperature of the last 15-20 years and do a simple linear fit (straight line) that best matches the data, and see if it looks like it's upward sloping. If you want to get a more sophisticated measure there are various reports scattered around which probably provide such information.

on Dec 16, 2008

A very basic measure would be to just plot the temperature of the last 15-20 years

And a very stupid measure.  To take less than a blink of the geologic eye and call it a trend of any sort is foolish.  The 15-20 year data are more likely the 'blip' than a true trend.  But we've had this discussion at length in other threads.  It's a religion and no amount of contrary data will dissuade believers.

Edit: I should qualify that - the religion I'm referring to is AGW, not climate change per se.  We know we've been in a warming phase, but to say that the loss of arctic ice is proof of AGW, or that it requires that we 'do something yesterday' without knowing the consequences of what we 'do' is folly to use as kind a word as I can muster.

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