Published on December 11, 2008 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

Everyone likes a sale, right?  Well from December 11th to December  14th we have a HUGE sale going on in the Impulse Store!

It’s a chance to pickup some great games and software at an incredible discount.  Don’t forget you can also purchase a gift for someone else, and they can download via Impulse, and do not have to wait for a package to arrive.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 11, 2008

Supreme Commander only 10 dollar, too bad i allready have forged alliance.

on Dec 11, 2008

Isn't World of Goo normally $19.95?

on Dec 11, 2008

WoW! PM08 $4 dollars - stunning!

on Dec 11, 2008

World of GoO is like $15 on Wii me thinks, I love that game!

on Dec 11, 2008


on Dec 11, 2008

Well I already had space rangers 2, but at $4, I get the expansion on top... works for me!

on Dec 11, 2008

Not to criticize on a so good offer, but how come that all 3.99$ games became automatically 3.99€ (written like this 2.99 3.99€)?

on Dec 12, 2008

Yeah, I don't like that offer, because it's more expensive in Euros.

on Dec 12, 2008

Strange that only last night the exchange was working and now its not. Oh well i guess i wont be parting with my money then this weekend

on Dec 12, 2008

Same in GBP - $3.99 becomes "$2.66 £3.99" and $9.99 becomes "$6.65 £9.99".

Have they got the $/£ values the wrong way around?

on Dec 12, 2008

Sorry, strikethroughs vanished from copy/paste; I mean "$2.66 £3.99" etc.

on Dec 12, 2008

I think they are woring on fixing whatever is borked.

on Dec 12, 2008

It's fixed. I shall pick up Space Rangers 2 I think, that's a great deal.

I already own World of Goo, and would strongly recommend it to everyone. Best game of 2008.

on Dec 12, 2008

I can't check now due to latency on the report of my credit card but I think that games was charged with the correct price even if wrongly displayed. Or at least is what I hope. Would be good and official word on that.

on Dec 12, 2008

Yes, for these sale items (AFAIK none of them have localized prices) it's just the wrong symbol being displayed; they will be charged at that amount in USD. It's on the list to fix ASAP.

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